Good Smile Shuraki Rize and the damn peg

Good Smile Shuraki Rize and the damn peg

Flickr Link When Toylet announced they were having a sale and since i already had Needa on the way i just knew i had to snag Rize as well. So this means that now i only am missing Char out of the entire Shuraki set. Now i knew that many many people had problems with Rize and her base, I felt that...
Needa Schuetilch for $20 as well!

Needa Schuetilch for $20 as well!

Flickr Link I had gotten 4 figured from DC Member DirtyBeast. This is the 4th that i had gotten in that shipment again for $20. All the figures sold were $20 to they went fast and i knew i had no time to hesitate and i had to snag them all up fast. While i liked all the other figures i purchased...
Fight in the Snow; Good Smile Company 1/8 Akatsuki Mishiro

Fight in the Snow; Good Smile Company 1/8 Akatsuki Mishiro

When I found out my parents were planning this trip to the snow, I knew I had to go and take full advantage of the beautiful scenery i’d have. I thought about all my figures and the first one that came to mind was also the most obvious of needing a snow backdrop, that was Good Smile...
Meifeng Liu Teaser Shoot!

Meifeng Liu Teaser Shoot!

Got my Good Smile Company 1/8 Meifeng Liu #2 of the Shuraki series today, and I am a happy camper! She is so amazing!! When I first saw images of her when she was being announced i didn’t even bother looking into what she was from, since i had a strict rule at the time of only buying figures...