Our apartment – 2016 NSFW

It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]

Our apartment – 2016 NSFW Our apartment - 2016 NSFW

[Alter] – Melty Review

So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]

[Alter] – Melty Review [Alter] - Melty Review

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW

Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW [Orchid Seed] - Yuki Review NSFW

Nendoroid Storage Container

I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]

Nendoroid Storage Container Nendoroid Storage Container

Mexico City here I come!

Yep I’m going to Mexico at the end of the month! Not just to visit family, but to go an Anime Convention! TNT GT3 ’09. I haven’t heard much about this con but I’m actually really excited! I’ve only been to Anime Expo and Anime La. So I’m really excited to see how fans of Anime in other countries do Anime cons. I’m planning on going all days but really am just gonna go the first day and see what it’s like. If it’s actually lots of fun then I’ll do all four days, but if it gets old quickly like Anime La did then I’ll just end up hanging out with family the rest of my stay.

I just know for a fact that if their masquerade is like this still, then i might stay longer, cause this video makes me laugh so much!

Must warn you, if you speak Spanish it’s very vulgar and very mean, if not then pretty much they are screaming very vulgar words and insults. But it’s so funny and if American cons let people talk like that I’d go to more masquerades. I went to the Masquerade at Anime La and left after 10 minutes, so boring and so bad.

But I’m not just going for that, I’m also very excited about their Guest of Honor Seiyuu Ogata Megumi who’s done rolls like Yue/Yukito from Card Captor Sakura, Shinji from Eva, Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon, and Valkyrie from UFO Princess Valkyrie. I’m very excited to see how they handle Guest of Honor, will they be doing a panel? Will she just be there? I have no idea but I’m determined to get an autograph!

Oh and I’m so excited to check out their Exhibit hall and see what anime merchandise they have for anime fans in Mexico! Do they get figures like we do? Are they rampant with bootlegs? Do they have a better or worse selection than anime cons? All things I’ll be reporting back to you within the end of the month come con time!

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16 Responses to “Mexico City here I come!”

  1. ceasol says:

    It’s going to be Anime Fiesta!! How it is your Spanish?

    I shure you will have tons of fun. Amigos send me pictures from conventions in my former country El Salvador, and they have lot of fun, Anime, cosplay with Hispanic flavor.

    ceasols last blog post..Mas Haruhi ahora porrista

  2. ShadowKit says:

    Ohh, that sounds interesting. ~
    Hope they have tons of good and actual figures, rather than bootlegs there. If there are, you might hit a jackpot with deals (let’s hope, right? x3 ).
    I’ll be looking forward to your report on it. x3

  3. Otaku Dan says:

    Be safe and have fun there

    Otaku Dans last blog post..Can One Piece be Saved?

  4. Dancing Queen says:

    i speak it fluently but can barely read or write

    oh it would be awesome if i found figures and for super cheap cause of the exchange rate

    @Otaku Dan:
    yep, taking my cousin with me since he seemed interested in anime and my figures when he came to visit in December so he wants to see what an anime convention is gonna be like. So i’ll have my bodyguard with me!

  5. Seraph says:

    Hi Dancing Queen,

    I saw your blog on HappySoda blogroll. Had a look at it. I’m interested in doing a banner exchange with you. send me an email if you are okay with it. Cheers!

    Have a nice day^^
    http://www.e2046.com (Specialized: Figure, PVC, Anime…etc)

  6. Lovelyduckie says:

    Wow my Spanish is awful, I don’t think I’d dare go since I stink at speaking other languages. I think I’m missing a gene that allows me to learn and speak other languages fluently.

    Lovelyduckies last blog post..First Haul of 2009

  7. phossil says:

    Oh, theyre very mean and kind of rude with the cosplayers. I hope this is not the case. What area of Mexico will you be?? in the D.F.?

    phossils last blog post..Creating CNAME in netfirms for blogger custom domain

  8. Panther says:

    Have fun at the con and take pics girl. 🙂

    Panthers last blog post..Asu no Yoichi 02

  9. Beren says:

    About the video…I undestood all of it since I’m spanish, but I don’t think it’s that funny. I would feel rather uneasy if I were cosplaying and some people were screaming those things at me… but maybe that’s part of the masquerade? Anyway, I hope you have a great time at the anime con! I’m also very curious about how it’ll be like, since I’ve only been to anime cons in Spain and France.

  10. Dancing Queen says:

    ah but it’s so good to know other languages, i know spanish fluently, and understand french enough to get me around, but it’s still really bad. But my speaking spanish really helps since it gets me a job much easier than if i didn’t

    yep D.F.

    oh you know i’ll be taking plenty of pictures

    well it was crude and i have to admit if i were a cosplayer getting yelled at i’d cry, but then i’d never be a cosplayer to participate in a contest if i had a bad cosplay.

  11. Dartlein says:

    About the video

    i’m mexican and that sort of thing happens everywhere (in karaoke contest too) but sometime is just for fun. we don’t want to offend anyone. wherever Mexico city = Chilangos

    chilangos are so vulgar XD (i’m chilanga and people who know me tells me that LOL.).well, i was living near to mexico city for 7 year and i never can go a TNT, but some people tell me is one of the best convention here in mexico with LA MOLE convention. so i hope you can enjoy it.

    *and sorry for my sux english =P*

  12. Claudette says:

    Hola, he leido tu blog por algún tiempo, y puedo decirte que me encanta, te escribo en español porque así puedo decir todo lo que quiero decir (entiendo muy bien el ingles, pero escribirlo es siempre problematico).

    Primero que nada, respecto a la convención, estoy segura que te divertiras mucho, es una de las mejores organizadas, no creo que en cuanto a merchandise veas algo que no hayas visto antes, talvez lo que te sorprenda un poco es que la mayoria esta casi al doble de su precio real de mercado. Comprar merchandise directamente en México suele ser muy caro, pues no hay tiendas especializadas, lo que causa que haya intermediarios y eso aumenta mucho los precios. Comprar de tiendas on-line tanto puede como no puede resultar igual de caro, debido al cambio del dolar, los pagos de envio y si tienes MUY mala suerte el pago en aduana. Cualquiera de las dos cosas hace que el coleccionar figuras en México sea un hobby caro, que lamentablemente no muchos, aunque quieran pueden tener, lo que no lo hace rentable, al no producir dinero no hay quien se arriesgue a poner alguna tienda especializada, y todo sigue en el mismo circulo vicioso. Qué triste!!!!.

    En cuanto al anime, aquí en México no hay compañía que venda anime licenciado, la piratería acabaría con la empresa en seguida, la televisión abierta ofrece practicamente nada y hay sólo un canal por sistema de paga que esta especializado, ANIMAX, ellos han dado muy buenas series. Quien quiere ver anime lo tiene que hacer por internet, no hay de otra.

    El manga es relativamente nuevo en México, yo tengo 25 y el manga empezó a publicarse aquí cuando yo tenía 14 años, sólo hay una compañía que lo publica: Editorial Vid, en ese tiempo publicaban sólo dos mangas, Dragon Ball en un espantoso formato comic americano y Video Girl en formato de medio tomo, más tarde comenzaron con OH Mi Diosa!, ahora publican en formato tomo, con una calidad mucho merjor, pero sin llegar a ser tan buena como la de las editoriales americanas o españolas, pero estoy segura que mejorara con el tiempo, cuando aquí apenas se comenzaba USA y Europa ya tenían muchos años publicando manga.

    Alguna vez has tenido contacto con gente que le guste el anime y manga aquí?

  13. Dancing Queen says:

    i must be going to the wrong places cause i’ve been to mexico plenty of time and haven’t seen people like that, but still i’m really excited for this son. and hey your english is actually pretty good, no worries

    pues me gusta que te guasta me blog. Perdon si mi espanol escirto es mal pero no lo escribo bein, me tardó tiempo para leer pero lo entendido. qeuro ir al convención para ver como estan los fans de anime en mexico. para entenderlos mejor, no eh tenido contactco con fans de anime en mexico pero con esta vaje me gustairo conencer mas hente que le guasta el anime

    wow that took me like 20min to write… i need to practice my spanish

  14. Dartlein says:

    Is that or it’s me who going to the wrong place xDUUU i’m agree with Claudette. collection figures here in mexico is a expensive hobby and sometime the goods are damaged (that happen me in one convention here in cancun) For me was difficult to get the figures that i have and now is more dificult for cost of the dolar.

    Dartleins last blog post..Conveciones mexicanas- Piensa antes de participar

  15. Tacho says:

    Wow, some of it was indeed funny. But i guess if anyone ever wants to cosplay thats like the ULTIMATE test to walk in front of people and getting yelled at that you are skinny, fat, small, tall, etc lol. So yeah very tough crowd, im from Mexico too and my friends are always trying for me to go there. Will have to try it someday 🙂 .

  16. OiD says:

    Wow… it looks like the guys from 4chan /b/ showed up or something! Hope you have a great time!

    (And I thought the spanish in Spain are terrible…)

    OiDs last blog post..SALON DEL MANGA 2008

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