Revoltech Wall-e

Revoltech Wall-e

Revoltech Wall-e! SOOO CUTE!!! Haven’t wanted a revoltech in a long time but now I really want this one! I not only need this Wall-e for myself, I also think i need it for a friend who LOVES Wall-e just as much as I do! Plus with the price at around 1,800 it’s not bad at...
Mike and Sully Kaiyodo Revoltech

Mike and Sully Kaiyodo Revoltech

Kaiyodo didn’t have enough with just releasing the super awesome Woody and Buzz Revoltechs that they are making some badass Mike and Sully revoltechs as well! I love these, not only for the fact that I’m a super huge Monster’s Inc. fan! Can’t wait for the sequel! Best part...
Fraulien Revoltech Miki Hoshii Review

Fraulien Revoltech Miki Hoshii Review

Hey look a figure review! But, it’s not here! I’m a guest writer for and you’ll have to go there to see all the gruesome details! Go here to for the review! Also don’t forget to catch me on AX Live! Every Wednesday at 7pm PST! We’ve been...
My Yoko Army… SO FAR!

My Yoko Army… SO FAR!

Showing off my Gurren Lagann figure collection that i have so far. So far the count is Eight Yokos, One Kamina, One Simon/Lagann, and two Kotobukiya Models. It’s still not as epic as it should be but i do have more coming, with 11 Yoko’s pre-ordered and 2 Nia figures. ...
Fraulein 010 Yoko Get!

Fraulein 010 Yoko Get!

Saw this today on Figure/Gk and i’m so excited about this. I don’t any Fraulein Revoltechs and i wanted to get one so i could at least judge it’s quality for myself. And for it to be Yoko is just awesome! ...
HimeKuri Girls Bianca & Nero

HimeKuri Girls Bianca & Nero

Once again my boredom overcame me, and the end result was a subpar photo shoot. I really need to take a class or something to make much better shoots. I’m overall happy with the end result but this one took the longest to shoot out off all the shoots I’ve done in the past. I did the...
A day with Fuka and Yotsuba

A day with Fuka and Yotsuba

Hopefully today is my last day being sick, i finally went to the doctors and got some awesome cough meds so i should be back to work tomorrow. Once again boredom took over and i did another shoot today. I did Fuka and Yotsuba today since i noticed there aren’t many reviews of either online....