This page is dedicated to the people who have drawn fan art of me, Dancing Queen-tan or Hanako. Credit goes to the artist and if you want to reproduce them please contact the original artist. If you wish to submit fan-art let me know and I’ll publish it here for you!
This is the first fan-art I received from my friend Razi who i met on the now defunct Hikari Radio and Anime Academy Radio, both of which i used to DJ for. It’s me eating ice cream, since I was called DQ for short and DQ also stands for Dairy Queen an Ice Cream chain in the US.
This is Dancing queen-Tan made by 53RG10 of Open Your Mind.
This is one that I enjoyed drawing! This tan is based on Dancing Queen and her blog How A Girl Figures. Knowing Dancing Queen’s hobby, I just had to draw a small figure next to her. I was going to draw one of her newer ones…but I thought it would be funny to have a Limited Edition Chibi Baka Raptor-tan has her figure!! ^_^
The initials on her hair clip is for her MySpace anime group Anime In Progress…which has been slowly dying…
And here is the colored version of 53RG10‘s DQ-Tan
Now we have another Dancing Queen-Tan by Kanon, colors aren’t set really on how i want her to look so for now anything goes, but i love the addition of the Howagirlfigures arm band. I might have to make me one for when i go to conventions and such! I have to say I’m loving the hair! I always wanted to dye my hair pinkish and I’m loving it on DQ-Tan. Maybe we’ll just have to make her have pinkish/purplish hair from now on…
An adorable Chibi that my dear friend Gina drew for me, It says Nanny in the background since that is an old family nickname for me, and of course the Sakura Key from Card Captor Sakura since it’s one of my favorite series ever!
Here is a lovely version of Hanako don by Fancy India of I love addition of lace to her skirt and how adorable she looks on the swing! Fancy India is such an awesome artist, she has more art on her site of!
If you wish to submit any Fan-art just contact me at DancingQueen [at]