Culture Japan on AX Live!

Culture Japan on AX Live!

Danny Choo’s awesome hit show Culture Japan season 2 is going to begin Streaming right after AX Live on Thursday nights at 8:30PST! You can catch season 1 on Crunchyroll It’s an awesome show and really truly hilarious! Danny gets into the silliest things and shows us Otaku not only how...
Handmade Mirai Suenaga Plushie

Handmade Mirai Suenaga Plushie

My latest plushie! This time it’s Mirai Suenaga from and Culture Japan, they super hilarious TV Show Danny has broadcasting in Japan! Making her Seifuku was pretty fun and I’m glad I was able to make it just so cute! Included shimapan and the details Mirai has such as...
Maridah and the Mirai Itasha!

Maridah and the Mirai Itasha!

At Anime Expo this past weekend, one of the booths had some fun Itashas, one of which belonged to my boyfriend, Kisuka. While walking around the Exhibit hall we bumped into my good friend Maridah in Mirai cosplay and had the cutest idea! Take pictures of Mirai driving the Mirai Car! Vroom...