Our apartment – 2016 NSFW

It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]

Our apartment – 2016 NSFW Our apartment - 2016 NSFW

[Alter] – Melty Review

So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]

[Alter] – Melty Review [Alter] - Melty Review

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW

Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW [Orchid Seed] - Yuki Review NSFW

Nendoroid Storage Container

I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]

Nendoroid Storage Container Nendoroid Storage Container

Nendoroid Sumomo Shall be MINE!!!

Mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I’ve been wanting this Nendoroid for a while now and was sad that it was going to be sooo much monies!! She was going for about $79 from when she was first announced so i didn’t really jump the bandwagon since i knew she was so expensive since she came with a game that i knew i’d really never play. But right now i just happened to click on a Play-asia banner and she came up, ON SALE!!! $30 OFF!! I just had to order her! So here i am the same person who talked about how play-asia is so terrible is now buying from them again. Oh well, depends on on how they handle this order depends on if i’ll bother shopping with them again afterwards. I just hope i don’t’ get an e-mail three weeks later telling me she’s out of stock and that i’m screwed…


12 Responses to “Nendoroid Sumomo Shall be MINE!!!”

  1. Pure Trance says:

    I got mine from them with no problems. BTW she is so cute, definitely my favorite Nendoroid 🙂

    Pure Trances last blog post..iPod Touch

  2. ARGH! Nooo! I can’t order from play-asia since they won’t accept visa/mastercard gift cards. (The ones that are commonly found in pharmacies, and the only ones I’m allowed to use) ;_________;

    I hope your Sumomo arrives with no problems.

  3. lu-k says:

    That’s the second time I payed the full price for figure-coming-with-game… and it seems that play-asia always have some more to sell at discounted price T_T
    But… I am too afraid not to be able to find a cheaper one later… mmhh I should try to be more patient for Exelica nendoroid though. ^^;
    Happy for you, Sumomo is such a cutie ^^

  4. Meimi132 says:

    $79?? Holy crap thats alot for a Nendoroid. Even if it is one as cute as Sumomo!! I have a 1/8th (who I always think is 1/7/1/6 cos of her size) Sumomo! She’s adorable!! But those jammies!! OMG CUTE OVERLOAD.

  5. otaku dan says:

    play-asia is a double edge sword, they have a lot of cool things but it’s expensive as hell. i think im going to buy the game just for the figure

    otaku dans last blog post..Kaiju movies

  6. FS-fan says:

    I lost my DS months ago and haven’t yet amassed the funds to purchase another one. But the Nanatsuiro game, Nendoroid+, and all the extras for $50 USD is definitely a deal. Shit… I think I’m going to have to buy this. I do have one of those cheap $5 off coupons too…

    FS-fans last blog post..Griffon Enterprise’s 1/6 Leina Resin Cast

  7. @Meimi132 – It comes with a game and other things too though.

    Pure Trance (Figured)s last blog post..iPod Touch

  8. ron~ says:

    $49 for nendo still quite expensive tho, but you can always sell the game XD

    their service is not the top, but I find Play-asia is quite good, all my ps3 and most of my psp games are from them 😀

    only some figurines tho hehe

    so far I made more than 30 purchases from PA i think, and all went well ^^

    ron~s last blog post..Random Ramblings (Wonfesu and Others)

  9. Sushi-boy says:

    I just placed my order too. Like you DQ, I’m only in it for the figure. I could just sell the game off since I can’t read a word of Japanese. XD

  10. suki says:

    Definitely want this! She is just too adorable >.<

    sukis last blog post..Figures | Preorders | Heavy Metal

  11. Eddie says:

    Yeah they are EVIL having you buy the game in-order to get the figure >..< Don’t know where shes from so I can’t justify getting her 🙁 where is s from anyway? Maybe I’ll watch the anime or something hmm..

    Eddies last blog post..Ken Hirai

  12. Eddie says:

    we should all go complain that we don’t have an edit button for posts >.<

    Eddies last blog post..Ken Hirai

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