It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
I haven’t visited my brother in a while so i came over to his house to hang out and watch the Olympics. I was planning on doing a Shana review but i decided to do a small shoot/review on his Louise figure. I bought him this last year for his birthday, yeah i’m an awesome sister!
At first i had this figure ordered on HLJ but i ended up being broke and cancelled the order. then i found out my brother wanted her so i decided to place the order again but by then she was discontinued at HLJ. The only people who still had her up for order was Kidnemo but i had never bought anything from them.
I was worried about the quality of their service so i took the chance on them using my brother’s order. So that way if something went wrong it wouldn’t be with my figure but his instead. What a great sister i am huh?
Nice backside shot, Kidnemo was actually really awesome with their service and afterwards i got frustrated with HLj and switched over to only Kidnemo for all my orders.
She’s got some awesome panties for a figure, not the plain cotton panties like most figures have…
She really is a well made figure, no problems with paint, her hair is really well done, her face looks really good.
She really is an awesome figure it was hard to give her to my brother at first since i liked her so much but she’s his and not mine :'(
A very nice back, i love guy’s backs. Do you have a certain thing that you like on the opposite sex? or same sex?
Nice panties shot again, am i weird for always doing panty shots? They have nice panties so might as well show them off right?
All in all she’s an amazing figure, any fan of Zero No Tsukaima should own this figure really. Thats if you can find her…
Figure Info-
Manufactured by Alter
1/8 scale
Initial release in January ‘08
Price of 4,800 yen
Discontinued at time of posting HLJ
::sigh:: If only I still had any affection towards Louise as a character. Nice figure, but Zero no Tsukaima has only gotten worse.
Did the shipping took a lot of time for you with Kidnemo? I personally did 2 order from both HLJ and Kidnemo. Both time I got my shipment from HLJ within 1 week, while at Kidnemo my first one took a month and second one I still haven’t got it(Been 14 day I’ve ordered it now). On bright side though, I didn’t had to pay duty with Kidnemo. Also, nice figure and I do like her panty as well. XD
Louise is sooooo cute and i like her sexy panties
otaku dans last blog post..Anime Fall Season 2008
nice photos 🙂 the sun is lil bit too strong tho 😀
ron~s last blog post..Random Ramblings (Wonfesu and Others)
A great Louise figure indeed. Love it, and have it displayed on a shelf just above my desk. So, you know… just need to look up a little bit for a nice view ^^;
For making such a gift, you sure are an awesome sister. I love mine, but she does not offer figures T_T
Your talking about kidnemo, and seem really satisfied about their service. Things seem to go very well in US, but we are a bunch of “oversea” customers who really had a bad experience with them, and ended up cancelling our orders because of a lack of communication, too long delays…
That’s sad, isn’t it? 🙁
yeah i couldn’t even get through the second season
well since kid nemo is located in southern california and i live in southern california it only takes a couple of days for it to reach me. but it all depends on where you live to determine when it should arrive to you.
@otaku dan:
they are some of the sexiest panties i’ve seen on a figure
yeah the sun was hitting down on me pretty hard then, i should have awaited a bit longer before i took the pictures, but overall i’m satisfied with them.
yeah i guess they are good for me since i’m so close and i get my orders in soon, but for overseas customers it would take longer for shipping and i would see why you would get frustrated. I will admit i’m worried about my alter Fate order, it’s been 3 months since her scheduled release and i’m worried that they won’t ever get any in stock. 🙁
@ Dancing Queen – I have been having problems too lately 🙁 I love Kid Nemo, but sometimes (like you) I end up waiting months after the release, and right now I was charged a month ago for my Chuua Churam figure which was supposed to be shipped but who knows, Jordh who was out but somehow my preorder slipped through the cracks and after I told them, they apologized and she was supposed to be shipped on 8/1 but I dunno about because the tracking # says it’s only been notified about shipping, and Mitsuru…who knows about that one… 🙁 🙁 🙁 I am really hoping these figures come soon because I <3 Kid Nemo but I want my figures T_T
Pure Trance (Figured)s last blog post..Nyoro~n
Not to mention maybe 1 in 5 or so orders that are shipped I actually get any tracking or shipping notice at all :/
Pure Trance (Figured)s last blog post..Nyoro~n
What a nice sister you are^^
Is he atleast into Anime Figures?
Nice shots!And theres nothing wrong with pantsu shots.The sculptor has spent a good amount of time on these so they should get the attention they deserve.
@Pure Tance (Figured):
i’m trying to keep my hopes up for the rest of my figures, but i’m really disappointed with fate since i wanted her most… i just hopwe they do get her instock, if not i’ll be very disappointed
he likes them but not as much as me. He appreciates their beauty and likes them more if they of a character he likes, but he’d never really go out and buy himself one… plus he has no idea how to choose between good ones and bad ones like i do…
I’m eying my attention on the next Louise by Alter displayed at Wonfes last week. Sadly, I gave her a miss.
I like her skirt especially the frills and the random outdoor bg. ^^
Opticals last blog post..Just another Goodie box
Nice shots~ lovely pantsu shot ^ω ^
@ Dancing Queen – Turns out I think my mail person was stupid and didn’t let me know some of them have arrived beforehand =_= Kid Nemo is redeemed lol
Pure Trance (Figured)s last blog post..ZOMG Moe!
Oh my~ nice shots! I have no guts to shoot any outdoors *blush* -.-!