Our apartment – 2016 NSFW

It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]

Our apartment – 2016 NSFW Our apartment - 2016 NSFW

[Alter] – Melty Review

So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]

[Alter] – Melty Review [Alter] - Melty Review

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW

Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW [Orchid Seed] - Yuki Review NSFW

Nendoroid Storage Container

I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]

Nendoroid Storage Container Nendoroid Storage Container

Bounty Hunter Yoko Figure! I must get!

Spotted at Chara Hobby 2008 at alter’s Booth. Not only are they making a Yomako Sensei Figure, but also a Bounty Hunter Yoko!

I am sooo all over this figure, Bounty Hunter Yoko was on of my favorite character designs for Yoko. And this figure is just so awesome! Seriously i’m drooling at this moment as i write this. Borrowed the Pictures from Akibahobby.net Check them out for more pictures of Yomako Sensei and More Bounty Hunter Yoko!


24 Responses to “Bounty Hunter Yoko Figure! I must get!”

  1. Garnet says:

    That’s very hot. The detail looks great – I can’t wait to see it finished. I’d love to have it.

    Garnets last blog post..Surprise, Surprise

  2. Mitoko says:

    Wow, the details on this one are amazing! I love how you can see her abs! And the clothes look like real clothes! It also looks like a lot of hard work was put in to doing her hair.

  3. super rats says:

    Found the Yoko I’m going to buy — that’s the Yoko I’ve been waiting for.

    super ratss last blog post..My-Otome, Finished

  4. gordon says:

    my credit card is already on standby!

    gordons last blog post..Signs Part 2

  5. Panther says:

    I awaits the final sample. I should be buying this one though.

  6. waaargh says:

    Oh my god.. She’s amazing. I’ll definitely buy Bounty Hunter Yoko AND Yomako-sensei. My poor wallet. D:

  7. Tacho says:

    Wow… thats one of the best Yoko’s I’ve ever seen.
    I am indeed drooling too :D~~~~~~

  8. lu-k says:

    So do I super rats, so do I 🙂

    lu-ks last blog post..Son Goku

  9. Larein says:

    Hmm, I am tempted to get that Yomako Sensei one.

    Lareins last blog post..Sac-Anime Aug 08 Day 3

  10. Blowfish says:

    Ive preordered another Yoko about 12 hours before this one was revealed >.<
    She looks gorgeous.Seems like an absolute must buy.

    Are there any Infos about estimated release/price?
    My wallet cries already pretty bad this fall so ill hope that shes going to be released late 08/early 09

  11. Pure Trance says:

    I am kinda determined to have 1 of each of Yoko’s outfits (well 2 of her first, apparently) and of course, there are a million other reasons why I need this lol. I also can’t wait for Yomako-sensei ;9

    Pure Trances last blog post..Some More of Corti!

  12. Dancing Queen says:

    I’m eager to see her painted as well, but Alter is amazing at Paint so i don’t really have any worries

    Alter has been doing some amazing work as of late

    @super rats:
    Glad to see you’ve found a yoko to your liking, i however am doomed to have to own every yoko figure made… Damn my fangirlisms

    i’m planning on being poor for the rest of my life but surrounded by Yoko figures…

    everyone needs to buy this figure, it’s amazing!

    Yomako Sensei looks awesome as well!

    I’m still drooling over her

    you need more than one yoko! She’s so awesome!

    Get it! You know she’s too awesome to pass up

    No info yet sadly, but most likely sometime next year

    @Pure Trance (Figured):
    I’m determined to get every yoko figure i can get my grubby mitts on. I still want that one Wave figure that they only sold at wonfes…

    I really am still obsessing over Gurren Lagann, it’s such an amazing series and there isn’t a figure that i don’t like! Even the Gashapons (which i tend to avoid like the plague) i want!

  13. lu-k says:

    Yeah your right, need more than one. That’s why the nendoroid version will come as well (does this count? ^^)
    Then, I might be tempted by the Gift one, with a kneeling pose.
    A figma would be nice, I don’t like fraulein revoltech ^^;

    lu-ks last blog post..Son Goku

  14. Dancing Queen says:

    yes Nendo Yoko counts! And the Gift Yoko looks amazing as well!

  15. Hirvine says:

    Oh man, you give that a paint shop? Did you ever painted a figure? I’m afraid of painting, so painted versions are my limitation.

    Hirvines last blog post..Quivi (Manga Reading Tool)

  16. TheGeek says:

    I would love to get this one. Hopefully the budget recovers before she comes up for preorder.

    TheGeeks last blog post..A New Challenger Appears

  17. Dancing Queen says:

    no this is going to be a PVC release by Alter, so it’ll be fully painted and amazing!

    i’d starve for a week if i had to to afford Yoko!

  18. Kinomoto-san says:

    Lady… talking about Yoko… Please tell me that do you think about this figure from movic:


    1/6 for 6,000 Yen and she looks great. ^^

  19. Kinomoto-san says:

    Another link to the Yoko figure (more pics).


    And it’s 1/5 not 1/6!

    *** You can edit my preview post to add this new info ***

  20. Kinomoto-san says:

    Ok, sorry about the flood.

    Now some MINI Guren Lagann figures:


    Please go from 104041 till 104046 (I can’t post this much links where – Internal Server Error 500).

    Kawaii ^^

  21. Dancing Queen says:

    I’m not sure on how well the movic Yoko will come out, but i’m still getting her anyways. a 1/5 figure for only $55 isn’t bad at all! I do want those chibi gurren lagann phone danglys!

  22. Hirvine says:

    aww, lucky it gets painted. Well, now I know, images having non-paint does not automatically mean their final release will be non-painted. As hard to believe it may sound, I did not knew that. I always thought, finding these images, it’s about releasing a non-painted pvc >.> So thanks.

    Hirvines last blog post..Quivi (Manga Reading Tool)

  23. Jaydead says:

    that’s definitely gonna be on my buy list! ^^

    Jaydeads last blog post..Gungrave: Beyond the Grave by Kaiyodo

  24. […] figure collection. I’ve wanted this figure in my collection since I knew Alter was making her back in ’08! Even when she was released for pre-order I jumped and got my order in so fast! Yet personal debt […]

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