It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
When i first heard about Super rats making a figure art book i was ecstatic. I love his site and i adore his photography, If i could get even half as good as him i know I’m doing something good. So when he announced the release of his first doujin i jumped and bought my own copy.
I have to say Super Rats, i wasn’t at all disappointed! It was money well spent, and trust me, unless it’s a figure it’s hard for me to spare some money on anything else. Here we have the lovely Etna by Max factory. This figure i own as well and she is a beauty.
Max Factory Blanc Neige and Ryuna. Both some beautiful figures that i don’t own but wish i did.
I’m so glad this image was used for the book, it’s one of my favorite photos. I regret canceling my order for Alter’s Enma Ai. I ended up not having enough money that month for her 🙁 .
more of the lovely Enma Ai.
The utterly amazing Alter Fate Testarossa. I think after i finally got my hands on her i felt like a true figure collector. Not that i wasn’t before, but now my collection feels much more complete. But these are truly some amazing photos.
The very sexy Beac Changpo. Spelling ranges from person to person it seems. But i’m going by the official box art when i refer to her.
I love both of these pictrures and wanted to point out how simalir images went together very well.
The very badass and sexy Shana. I adore his review pictures of Max Factory’s Shana and was excited to see he used her in the book as well.
From cover to cover there is no problem except one and it isn’t Super Rat’s Fault at all but the company that made the book. I could take it up with them for a replacement but i’ve been a bit too lazy…
Two figures i’ve been wanting for some time but still haven’t been able to get my hands on, Both Max Factory figures. Emu Emu and Kureha. Both beautiful figures.
And finally Max Factory’s Nagato Yuki. I put my own beside but even though you can see the real thing the image in the book looks prettier.
Super Rats amazing doujin figure book is truly an amazing piece of work. as a collection of amazing pictures it’s something that i enjoy having in my own collection. I just hope that one day i can do the same and sell my own book with a collection of pictures I’ve taking of figures over the years. The pictures I’ve taken are only a bit of the entire book. You can get all of the interior images here if you missed your chance to get this book yourself. But I do really recoment that if he releases another book in teh future to grab a copy! I just wonder if this will end up starting a trend and having more and more bloggers release books of their own work. I know personally it might be something i’ll look into once i’m more comfortable with my work. If i did a book simalar to this would you buy it?
Dangit, I should have gotten myself a physical copy. 🙁 I guess I’ll wait and see if releases another one.
And to answer your question, yes, I’d buy your book. ^^
Ah I love Super Rats photography! I didn’t buy his book though. :/ It certainly looks wonderful.
If you were to make a figure photo book, I might buy it, depending on the price and how much money I have at the time.
Kels last blog post..Titles are Such a Hassle
@Coco the Bean:
woot one sold! lol Now to conquer the rest of the world! Muwhahahahahahaha
i would try and make it as inexpensive as possible that’s for sure. i don’t know if i’d go about doing it the same way. I think i’d rather just go out and make them myself somewhere and them sell them from my little online store
Loving the book!!!
It’s just amazing how Super Rats took all his photos and made a book of it…
Just sooo cool!!!
I love his photos too, I can never do that…yet…until I figure out some settings on my camera…I need better lights too…
Rins last blog post..New Games!!!
did you get a copy of it as well? It’s such an awesome book to just say i own.
Those are amazing…
I’d say more, but I fear the inadequacy of my words would taint the sheer brilliant that is his photography
Snarks last blog post..Enjoyeble Ass…?
I had some major problems with LuLu…
First they had a billing problem and canceled my order. on the last day it was avaiable.
Second they raised the Doujin from 16,99€ to 18,99 and the shipping from 4,99€ to 8,99.
I still bought it since i know it will be worth every penny.Mine shipped this Saturday and i really hope to get it the next days
Blowfishs last blog post..I need some advice…
The book is definitely worth the money. I won’t find myself ever releasing such a copy nor making comparable photo shoots. I like the shoots but I’m not taking it far too serious. I do follow up tips and tutorials, but I’m not making a real big scene.
At the moment your photo’s are fine and a lot of them are shoot in a dynamic angle. However I don’t think I buy a book just yet of you :P. Before, I think, you still need to experiment with light and scenery. They photo’s are fine but not exclusive yet …
I hope you will proof I’m wrong in the future.
*Cheers and wishes you good luck*
Hirvines last blog post..Paprika OST
Thank you for the review and relieved to here you thought it was worth it. I’m sorry about the printing error, that’s really bad. Lulu should offer a replacement. Glad I saw that, and does make me question using them again, though as far as print on demand goes, Lulu is considered at the top, so I guess stuff like that just happens. Just wish it didn’t happen to anyone nice enough to buy my book.
super ratss last blog post..Rei Ayanami
his photography is honestly just top notch, my dad himself is an amazing photographer (i’m learning tons from him) and he even was amazed at the beauty of Super Rats work
yeah that sucks that they screwed up your order, maybe it went up in price since the average price of the dollar fell/rose of something
that’s why i wouldn’t release one now. I do think my photography is pretty but not amazing compared to Super Rats, plus as i mentioned i don’t have enough confidence in it just yet to even think about releasing a book
@Super Rats:
things happen and i know it’s honestly not your fault so i don’t really mind as much. Now if the books printed like that and you sent them out yourself then i’d be like “hey, what the heck?” But other than that small problem the book was worth it!
wow that looks awsome maby I should get one to.
Minis last blog post..Yeah it’s kinda late to say happy Halloween-Mini
Woooowww I want one!!! I’d love more figure reviewers to release books like this!!
Meimi132s last blog post..Robert Downey Jr – Another obsession…
[…] the another release. You won’t find this release any longer. You still may read the excellent Dancing Queen Review. It contains several shots of the pages along a false printed page. Well those stuff happens and I […]
I miss the book, very good work, Clint has more material for a expanded edition.
Just wondering, between Max Fac Kureha and Koto’s Kureha, which do you prefer?