It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Went to McDonalds today with my friend and we decided to order some pies from the dollar menu. Normally they ask if you’d like either Apple or Cherry pies. Today they had this special Asian Pie, now being how we were quite inquisitive today we decided to order some.
But they didn’t seem to be a good idea really. I expected something sweet and delicious like their Apple or Cherry pies. But they were made strangely, instead of pie dough for the outside if was made from rice, and inside it had green tea. It tasted really weird since it also came with Soy sauce dipping sauce. It felt like McDonalds just grabbed the most stereotypical Asian foods and made it into a pie. It wasn’t very good and really even though i’m not Asian i was totally offended. Really i wonder who even approved in their head offices? This really didn’t even taste all that great, and i thought maybe if i was in an asian neighborhood then it would be a bit understandable. But i was in the middle of old people ville. I think i’m honestly going to file a complaint with them about this. It just seems so racist and tasteless.
HAHAHAHA lol, joking… no such thing.
Looks like not a lot of people got it but Asian Pies are fake..
Yeah we got cherry pies and for some reason they put Asian stickers on them both. But they were sooo yummy! On another note i’ve been so busy lately and i’m sorry i haven’t posted anything in like FOREVER!!! I did re-organize my entire room so expect a new room post. Many more figures, and more furniture for my figures. Looks pretty nice now but i’m still organizing everything in the best way so once i’m all done with that i’ll go ahead and post it. I’ve gotten some new figures in this past week so expect some reviews of those as well!
i live in asia and nowhere in the continent i’ve heard anyone put soy sauce in a pie.
biankitas last blog post..Skip Beat 05-07 ~Matsunai Ruriko Arc~
Ahahahaha oh man they sound so awful. I applaud you for actually trying them, even though I’d be interested in what they were exactly I’m sure I’d run away at the end and get an Apple Pie or something instead.
Lovelyduckies last blog post..Admitting Defeat
Those pies sound interesting, but afraid of what they would taste like… I like rice, and I like green tea, but not sure about it being in a pie.
Can’t wait to see the new reviews and pics!:D
Riiana Doons last blog post..
Asian pies! lolz!
Benus last blog post..AX ‘08 – Shoko Nakagawa Interview (Video)
I cannot wait for your reviews!!! It’s been like 14 days since your last post! ;(
I’m curious then, so did the real asian pies actually have rice, green tea and soy source? O.o
Snarks last blog post..Go my minions! Go forth and conquer!
looks like i didn’t get you then…
yeah i know, that’s why it’s fake…
@Lovely Duckie:
they were fake… we got cherry pies
@Riiana Doon:
yeah i don’t think they’d taste good, being they were fake…
looks like another person got it…
i’ve been so busy 🙁 but i’ll get back to them soon enough
no they were fake… they were cherry pies, but for some reason instead of just giving us boxes for cherry pies, they gave us boxes for apple with a sticker that said asian. Most likely for them to be able to tell the difference between apple and cherry.
They just run out for cherry pie boxes…. I guess… 🙂
I think the Green Tea gave it away for me. How the heck can you put Green Tea in a pie! XD
Benus last blog post..AX ‘08 – Shoko Nakagawa Interview (Video)
yeah most likely that’s what happened
idk maybe like in a custard form? like Green tea flavored pudding or something
that was weird putting and Asian sticker on them(may be the employees were playing around and put random stickers on stuff), well the important thing as that the pies taste good! ^_^
Minis last blog post..Vote Vote Vote!!!!!!
That’s so weird. It’s a cherry pie, in a apple pie box, with a Asian sticker on it? @_@ They have a pen, they can write cherry on it…
Lareins last blog post..Lelouch figma Photo Shoot 01
yep, i love cherry pie
maybe the sticker was just easier to do instead.
Those Asian pies were such a good deal at 2/$1. And my bite was bigger than yours so ha. But seriously, I have to reiterate my thoughts from last night. Don’t you think that when McDonald’s launched a new product that they’d supply their restaurants with the necessary items (ie Cherry stickers or at least a Sharpie)? No, because that would just make too much sense.
zomg i’m craving them again, next time we hang out we soooo need to get more.
Be waiting on the new stuff soon!!!!!
Want to see a room post!!!!!!
I like apple pie then cherry pie anytime…stillasian pie…even though I’m asian…never seen an asian fruit pie…
Rins last blog post..Dir En Grey Concert
Omg, Asian pie sounds so nasty. I’m so glad they’re not real.
Why did they put “Asian” labels on there? O_o
I used to work at McDonald’s. I’d assume that they’d run out of the appropriate sticker and used the “Asian” ones from the salads (which sadly no one really orders, so of course there would be excess Asian stickers lol) to differentiate between cherry/apple. Or someone was really sleepy. ^^
Sariths last blog post..Preview: Kotobukiya 1/10 Main Character from Persona 3.
When in doubt, I defer to Lucky Star:
♪ Let’s get cherry pie ♫
Can’t go wrong
Baka-Raptors last blog post..Five Reasons to Watch Ga-Rei Zero
so is this post an… asian pie roll then? ^^;
For some reason I thought of the celebrity jeopardy where the question was something like, “audio clue, name the continent”, then a voice says really slow and loud, “ASIA” ^_^
meronpans last blog post..Unison Vita!