It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Sometimes i love eBay, other times i hate it. Lately i’m leaning towards the hate it side. I used to sell my Anime posters on eBay to help pay for my figures and was doing pretty well. Until my stuff was being removed and then my account was suspended all together. I sent in my paperwork swearing I’ll never sell anything again to re-open my account to at least buy items from eBay.
Well i finally gave up on eBay re-opening my account and luckily my bf let me use his account to buy stuff. It was working fine until i bought my Aisaka figure.
But then once i payed for her they closed that account too. But then there was no way to contact the seller and i risked that they wouldn’t even send me the figure, even though i already payed for her.
I then got the sellers e-mail from the one i payed through paypal and sent e-mails almost daily asking for the EMS shipping tracking number and i never got a response. Not until i found out i could still claim that he never sent my item through paypal and could get my money back that way. I threatened him with that and he them sent her out!
I’m glad i finally got her but it was the worst eBay experience ever!
After that i learned that if i buy something through e-bay ask the seller to send a separate invoice that isn’t linked to the eBay listing and then i don’t risk getting my account closed and i know if the seller is going to even be willing tow work with me.
Taiga and her piggy, or should i say lunch!
I’ve always liked this figure but wasn’t jumping to get her at her release since i didn’t know her at all. I liked the overall design but wasn’t too keen on her.
But with Toradora Airing this winter season i knew i had to get her! I am currently watching Toradora and i happen to like it very much, enough to look for this taiga figure!
I just wish figure companies would at least wait till the anime airs to release a figure. Like the Kemeko Figure from Kemeko DX, is she weren’t announced before but were released now i’d be all over her.
I’m also very glad i was able to get a hold of Taiga, she’s pretty hard to find now and most people want to charge and arm and a leg for her.
While she is cute, she’s also kinda plan, the kinda figure that you can only pose facing one side and she only looks good from that angle.
As you can see the majority of my shots are from one side but it’s hard to get a decent pictures from other angles since she’s designed to be staring right at you.
Still i love her design and she’s a nice addition to my ever growing collection.
Her skirt is removable but it’s kinda pointless since her shirt covers everything anyways.
You can almost see pantsu!
I’m glad I got this figure, I’m also very glad that the seller was able to send her to me. If not i would have been very very mad, But at the same time i did get her for a steal, $60 shipping included so that wasn’t a bad price. Overall amazing paint job, great hair, great face, the base is very plain but is needed since she doesn’t balance flat on her bottom. I do wish for other Taiga fans that Max Factory does a re-release since she is such an adorable figure.
Figure Info-
Manufactured by Max Factory
1/8 Scale
Initial release in December ’07
Price of 5,800 yen
Sold out at Hobby Search
Product Info
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that is a another great photo shoot from you. I avoid ebay because it cant be trusted
Otaku Dans last blog post..Kannagi Rant
@Otaku Dan:
well sometimes you can find amazing REAL figures for great prices, but i guess the seller just assumed since my account was suspended he didnt’ have to send her out to me. But thank goodness for paypal.
Gosh I saw this at the shops but I’m still not quite sure about buying it. I’m still waiting for a really well-made version of Taiga-chan to be released in the market. I used to buy my stuff from eBay when I was back in Aussie but most people said it was better to go for those online shops (like play-asia & HLJ). I prefer them online stalls as they did give me a proper packaging and I didn’t have to worry about those bootleg version.
Anjerasus last blog post..Anjerasu Meishi
Ebay is a terrible, terrible thing. I’m stuck with a horrible fake haruhi, compliments of a totally shady ebay seller. although, i did get all my chibi lucky star and haruhi figures through a really awesome and reliable seller.
i guessing you bought it from naka….
and got a pretty good deal
i was try to buy it myself but lost track of time
enjoy taiga
yeah bootlegs are rampant on eBay
yeah i got a fake Kotobukiya Mai when i first started collecting figures, it sucked but i was able to sell her (but i did fully disclose that she was fake and sold her for super cheap so that person who bought her wouldn’t have felt like they were jiped)
so we were bidding on the same figure? wow small world
man I wish they’ll do a re-release too ^^; she’s soooo cute! *want!*
ONE USEFUL tips for buying figures at ebay
ALWAYS find their statement that sayiing IF the figures IS “GENUINE” or “AUTHENTIC”.
If you never find the statement above, it mean that figure is fake/bootleg. Remember, if the seller stating if the item is “100% BRAND NEW” or “100%BRAND NEW UNOPENED” that mean the item NOT a “GENUINE” or “AUTHENTIC”.
Actually, the reason the figure was released when it was, was because it was based off of the light novel that the anime is based on. More specifically, the figure is based off of the Vol 1 light novel cover.!_light_novel_volume_1_cover.jpg
I was lucky enough to be a fan of Toradora when the manga started scanlating and snatched that figure when it first went on pre-order (forgot if it was Hobby Search or Kid Nemo). ^_^
Still I know what you mean. I remember when Kotobukia’s Index figure (from Toaru Majutsu no Index) first came out, I was like “why would I buy a figure of a kid nun?”. But when the series came and I started watching it, …it was too late. -_-;
Oh well.
Hmm…. the URL wasn’t recognized correctly.
I got it off of Wikipedia ( and the image is off to the right.
I really hope they do a re-release for her. She’s so cute and I love Toradora! X3
And I love how your photo shoots keep getting more amazing, I love all of your backgrounds. Keep it up. <3
Spirit Rubis last blog post..Shinshi Doumei Cross Vol. 11 Review
Same boat as Tim, got mine when they were scanlating the manga. I only happened to read that manga completely at random as well and it was a nice surprise of a story 🙂
I do think this Max Factory Taiga is the best quality Taiga version out there at the moment. Saw the other ones and I think there’s something missing.
Anyway, good job on getting this figure, and lucky you didn’t get screwed by that ebay seller!
Btw, what is so wrong about selling anime posters?
Acesans last blog post..Nanoha X Fate – Converted Yuri Fan Desu!
I try to avoid ebay at all costs since i had some bad experiences with it.Its a different thing with trusted sellers like tokyohunter tough…
Im with you on the stupid figure releases short before a show is airing.I would have loved to get the Kemeko/EmuEmu Nendoroid/Figure combo but its nearly impossible to find it at a reasonable price.
Im enjoying ToraDora alot at the moment but i would prefer a Minori figure^^
Blowfishs last blog post..Tripod get!
No wonder I couldn’t find this figure it was released before the series! -_- I’m a huge Taiga fan and I was planning on getting this one
But then I saw this one by Max Factory and I was looking all over but couldn’t find it
they should sine the anime has gotten relatively popular people would love it
you know that doesn’t always work, mine is that i only buy from users with a perfect feedback, or if they have negatives i search them down and see if they even mention bootlegs. Second i demand pictures of the figure and ti’s box with the stickers to prove their authenticity
yeah i knew she was released cause of the novel and was based on that design, but i’m only complaining since at the time she was released i hadn’t even heard of the so i didn’t bother to place a pre-order. I know for many figure collectors if they had re-leased her around now they’d go crazy for her
@Spirit Rubi:
well thanks, guess it means i’m progressing ^^
well maybe since i was printing them myself? but then it wasn’t listed how they were made, just that they were anime posters, and i didn’t have anyone complain really.
yeah i don’t worry if it’s Tokyo hunter but if it’s someone else i only use eBay as a last resort
yeah she’s very hard to find now and even on ebay i only see one by the same seller who gave me trouble and now wants $123.61 for her.
figures that come out before series don’t make me happy, it really sucks for people that don’t want to spend a fortune and go through this kind of hassle. I would love that figure now that the anime is going strong because I fell in love with the series, but I am not shelling out crazy money for something worth probably half that price. Hopefully they’ll either make another figure similar to it, or re-release this one.
Persocom-sans last blog post..Daisuki!!
I happened to purchase only ONE Fake from Ebay, and that was my Konata nendoroid. I new it was a fake, but it was $6.00 so I just bought it.
That really sucks about your Ebay Account though. I didn’t know they could track people individually using paypal accounts or credit card numbers. Have you tried however? It’s a very good alternative- if not better than Ebay. I’ve purchased a lot of figures there for great deals. Shipping & Handling is way cheaper too. The only downside, Figmas are crazy expensive. Atleast $10 more than other sites.
Taiga is very moe & Tsundere(sp) 🙂 I like the sitting pose, it looks nice next to a lot of standing figures. I also like how her hands are open for random items 😀
You’re photoshoots are awesome! I love the different settings for each figure.
Thanks 😀
i would at least hope for either a re-release of for them to make either an ami or minorin figure to go with taiga
see with amazon you can get fakes from them too. I rarely purchase a figure other than kid nemo or hobby search. it’s only for rare figures that i’ll go to ebay.
Really nice figure!!!!
Do love the shoot!!!!
I’d never had something happen to me on Ebay…
Did they gave you a reason why they closed your account?
Rins last blog post..Haruhi-ism!!!
I like the first photo! the fluffy thingy looks good with Taiga ^^
that was really close, you almost get scammed! ^^; I try my best not to buy stuff from the internet unless I am really going despo. Anyway, I never trusted ebay from the beginning ^^;