Our apartment – 2016 NSFW

It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]

Our apartment – 2016 NSFW Our apartment - 2016 NSFW

[Alter] – Melty Review

So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]

[Alter] – Melty Review [Alter] - Melty Review

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW

Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]

[Orchid Seed] – Yuki Review NSFW [Orchid Seed] - Yuki Review NSFW

Nendoroid Storage Container

I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]

Nendoroid Storage Container Nendoroid Storage Container

Good Smile 1/8 Hatsune Miku PVC

The only bad thing about Kid Nemo can be how figures come long after everyone gets their hands on them. I had ordered Miku here through Kid Nemo and just finally got her, but at the same time i’m just so glad i got her! She’s everything i hoped for and more.

Now this may be the last time i use the tinsel for the backgrounds, but then i love how good it looks for the pictures.

I originally got the tinsel for this Miku but felt it looked good for the Idolmaster Miki Hoshii shoot and the Baek Changpo shoot.

Good Smile’s attention to detail always astounds me, just look at her skirt! Oh do i spot a little bit of panty shot?

And her skirt is removable! Very cute green ribbon!

Now the set is complete! Now to get the Kagamine Twins’ PVC, Nendoroid and Figmas and I’ll have myself a little Vocaloid party! I adore this figure, and she’s a must have for any Vocaloid fan or even major figure collector. Having her in my collection is just really awesome now. GSC’s attention to detail never fails to impress me. From the design on her skirt to her sleeves, to the bend in her leg to the 01 on her arm.  Even her nails and the beautiful green color for nail polish. I will also say the way they did her hair was such an awesome idea, it’s made of a hard light plastic so she’s not heavy at all. Which was such a good idea since her hair would have made her very heavy. Not to all figure companies making Yoko figures, make her hair of the same material so it doesn’t weigh her down!

There are certain figures that once in your collection make your eyes pop, make you look right at her and make your collection seem just so much more awesome, Miku is that kind of figure.

-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Good Smile Company
1/8 Scale
Initial release in September ‘08
Price of 5,500 yen
In Stock (at time of posting) At Kid Nemo

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24 Responses to “Good Smile 1/8 Hatsune Miku PVC”

  1. Kazearashi says:

    I really like this Miku as well!

    Was really lucky back then when I saw this in stock on HLJ… XD

    Kazearashis last blog post..Bandung Trip

  2. kimagure says:

    Thanks for the pics. Mine is on its way from Kid Nemo as well. Unfortunately I’ll be on vacation when she gets here T_T.

  3. Rin says:

    Really nice shoot!!!!!
    I have her too…plus the WF version of Miku nendo…
    She is an amazing figure and GSC does a great job on her!!!

    Rins last blog post..Toronto Otaku Blogger Meet!!!

  4. OTOhime says:

    Early in Nov. I put this Miku on my X-Mas wishlist. Now I’m even more excited about her so I hope I get her!

  5. Spirit Rubi says:

    I also ordered my Miku from Kid Nemo, she should get here Monday but I can’t open her till Christmas. XP

    Your photo shoot is wonderful. I can’t wait to do mine~ <3

    Spirit Rubis last blog post..Snow Days…

  6. Stripey says:

    Great review and such a coincidence too since I just got her yesterday. Agree with your thoughts on the details. She captures so well the soul of Hatsune Miku. My only minor lament is that she’s smaller than most 1/8. She’s closer to a 1/9 making her a little incongruous with the rest of my collection.

    Still love her lots though! 🙂

  7. SoNSo1 says:

    Yeah, I find it downright depressing how long some of my orders from KidNemo take to fill when the item has been out for a while.

    I’m not a a vocaloid fan, but that’s a pretty cool figure. I should think about finding more about them. Damn, my budget.

    SoNSo1s last blog post..Google gets it right!

  8. cheez says:

    Yeah, I ordered this from Kid Nemo as well, and mine is still in the mail. I’m actually reconsidering having them as my default purchase location — I had a much better experience buying from Toyslogic a month ago. Which is when I put the order down for Miku, and Kid Nemo said she was in stock.

    All that aside though, it’s a very cute figure, and I’m anxiously awaiting its arrival =].

  9. ceasol says:

    I bought a figure recently at KidNemo, was an Alter/Amy (Burst Angel) figure. Was in stock though, and took so much time to process everything, and the shipping cost are really expensive. S&H is cheaper from Japan to Canada.

  10. Dancing Queen says:

    i almost got her from HLJ since i was worried that Kid Nemo wasn’t gonna have her in stock

    aww, but at least when you get back you get her to welcome you home!

    i want the hachune miku! Maybe if tokyo hunter still has some in stock by next paycheck 😉

    oh, hope whoever gets her for you hurries since she’s flying off shelves!

    @Spirit Rubi:
    she your x-mas present?

    well depends which figures you put her next, like she goes perfect next to my Max Factory haruhi figures and my Max Factory Idolmaster Miki hoshii girls

    it sucks to wait that long, but sometimes the wait is good for me since it gives me more of a chance to save my money for when they come!

    i’ve only had problems with toyslogic and them canceling orders, i’ve only had kid nemo cancel on me twice and it’s been for reasons completely out of their control

  11. Optic says:

    One of the best Miku figures out there and will forever be. The quality and detail is just flawless and I love the pose. Very original.
    Mine exchanging links? I added u a long time ago but I don’t recall mentioning it to u. ^_^

    Optics last blog post..Got my Summer Wonder Festival 2008 Goods

  12. Dancing Queen says:

    of course i’ll add you! i don’t know why i didn’t think of it earlier

  13. ETERNAL says:

    That’s why I don’t order from Kid Nemo lol…I had my share of bad experiences from similar retailers. The figure truly is amazing though; it’s one of the best I got in quite a while.

    ETERNALs last blog post..Toronto Otaku/Blogger Meet, ACG, and other things

  14. ron~ says:

    nice photos 😀 the background matches her well

    so far this is the best miku available for public (volks one is kinda exclusive 🙁 )

    ron~s last blog post..1/8 Siesta ~ Alter

  15. th says:

    I used to rue the day I spent money on the Fraulein figure instead of this one. But the only difference I care about is the hair. In the PVC, it’s much more pronounced and angular, where as the Fraulein figure feels tamer in comparison. Still, I can put the Fraulein on top of my left speaker, whereas for this one I would have had to find some space on my desk. A task that is becoming increasingly tricky :p

  16. phossil says:

    Will you consider having the other Vocaloid characters as well??

    phossils last blog post..Desktop wallpaper

  17. Dancing Queen says:

    yeah, but since i get free shipping form them it saves me so much money

    the volks one is awesome but so expensive and hard to find…

    do you mean the figma?

    i’ve already got the kagamine twins figmas, have the nendos on their way, and have ordered the pvc version of them. plus i’ve ordered the kaito nendo and hope they opt for a figma and pvc version of him as well

  18. th says:

    Yup, it’s the Figma figure I was referring to. Nice, small and compact. I had a small photoshoot of it when I got Wrath of the Lich King.


  19. Blowfish says:

    Even tough you bought the tinsel for the Miku shooting its my least favorite out of the 3 ^^;;;
    Cant say what it is but the other reviews seem just a tad flashier,more entertaining.Its probably due to the color choices.
    Its just a personal prefernce! Your shots are good as always

    Blowfishs last blog post..Operation Successful!

  20. Nicksta says:

    Wow your Miku looks exactly like the shots they have in all the promo pictures! Unfortunately mine has almost completely gray legs and a gray skirt. I thought it may have just been my imagination and then I saw yours :/. I also got mine from Kid Nemo, but they don’t seem to think there’s a problem. I almost want to send them a picture to prove that I’m not crazy!

  21. Orange says:

    Let’s hope mine doesn’t have any issues since I won’t actually be able to access it till I’m back on campus, which is weeks from now. By then who knows what kind of leverage I’ll have when it comes to returns/exchanges.

    KidNemo took forever to process… Compared to HobbySearch they’re like snails. The upside is that they’re a bit cheaper.. =/

    Oranges last blog post..Somebody, Give Me A Flamethrower

  22. Dancing Queen says:

    yeah figmas are so much funm, i used to hate them, now i’m addicted

    well sad to hear this wasn’t as awesome as the last ones, i was considering mixing in green with it but i just left it all silver, i wonder if it would have made it pop more

    wow send me a picture too, i’m hearing problems with Kid Nemo’s batch of Mikus and i’m curious to see what you mean my e-mail is in the about/contact page

    yeah it’s cause they get theirs from AAAanime and it’s AAAanime who is super slow

  23. Matteas says:

    Nice photos. The tinsel in the background looks like a downpour.

    I’ve got my Miku yesterday, she’s awesome. I love how they made her hair. But although I got her yesterday, I haven’t tried to cast her off yet.

  24. Acesan says:

    My favourite Miku figure, and that’s including the Figma. Glad you managed to nab this classic!

    Acesans last blog post..Nendoroid School Life A / B Set Review

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