It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
When I found out my parents were planning this trip to the snow, I knew I had to go and take full advantage of the beautiful scenery i’d have. I thought about all my figures and the first one that came to mind was also the most obvious of needing a snow backdrop, that was Good Smile Company’s first of the Shuraki Series; Akatsuki Mishiro.
I had never planned on buying any of the figures in the Shuraki series, until i saw a few reviews of Meifeng Liu, the third of the shuraki series I knew i had to start getting them.
When the Shuraki series first came out i still had my rule of only geting figures of characters i liked and series i knew of. Sice i knew nothing of the Shuraki series i didn’t even bother when they announced the pre-orders.
After i got Meifeng Liu and saw just how awesome she was i knew i had to make an effort to get the rest. The second one to jump into my collection was Akatsuki Mishiro.
I was able to snag her at Anime Expo ’08 at this one booth where the vendor was nice enough to let me pay with her with a credit card when he didn’t have the system set up to pay with a credit card.
Now i only have two of the Shuraki figures but between Akatsukiand Meifeng i’d haev to say Meifeng is the harder to cast off and atatsuki is much easier to cast off.
Even though i like ehr ripped clothes look i tend to leave both of them full clothed.
She does have a very badass look on her face, like she’s so ready to kick som butt.
while she herself has a very nice heiney.
The torn clothes look seems to always be broken in all the right spots.
She is as all the Shuraki figures full cast off as well. Well not full since she still has her undies on.
Only thing I notice is that her arms fall off easily when she doesn’t have her shirt one holding them in place.
I love how the parts where she comes apart is at natural seams so it doesn’t look like she comes apart unless you pull on her.
Except you can see it a bit on her back here since she was just about to fall apart here at this moment.
There really wasn’t anything uber special about Akatsuki that called to me other than the fact that i wanted to complete the shuraki set, but i’ve still got a few to get. I am still very glad i was able to get my hands on. Plus for a good price as well. Looks like Akatsuki might have been the least popular of the set since she’s still in stock in many online stores compared to say Char Rhousemann who is now impossible to find. I’ve got Nida coming in soon enough and i know of a few stores i can get Rizfis Luttiva Mente so it’s only Char who is avoiding me but i’ll get my hands on her soon enough ^_~. I’m really happy with how these pictures came out, the scenery was just so amazing and i was lucky enough to be able to walk out far enough to find a place where the snow as still untouched.I’m glad i waited till we got to actual snow to take her pictures. She really looks much better in her own enviornment than any other place I could have put her.
-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Good Smile Company
1/8 Scale
Initial release in October ’07
Price of 4,800 yen
Akatsuki Mishiro is still in stock in some of these awesome Retailers so give them a look if you want your own!
HobbyLink Japan
Hobby Search
Kid Nemo Company
Otaku Fuel
Play Asia
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Those are some great pics!
Benus last blog post..Conquista Mi Corazon! MUCHO MELON!
Outdoor pictures are always nice. The lighting is really good, as expected of natural lighting xD. It would have been interesting if you put red spots in the snow around her lol. I wish there was snow where I lived, more opportunity to do a different figure shoot with the different background.
ASs last blog post..Code Geass is now legal to watch online (In the US)
Awesome figure (and awesome pics, of course ;D)! Sorry for not commenting more, I hope you know that even though I don’t comment a lot, I read all of your new articles. ^_^
Very nice pics 8D, i love your photo skills <3
Dartleins last blog post..FIGMA By Max Factory
lol underwear w/ sword w/ awesome scenery + excellent photo skill = awesomeness
balances last blog post..First Figures, Haruhi Suzumiya goodies!
why thank you
i should have thought to bring like red food coloring with me but didn’t until the last minute when we were too far away from any kind of grocery store
hehe no problem, i have been noticing i’m getting less and less comments lately, yet more unique visitors
well thanks, i loved how these pics came out, they really bring something out of Akatsuki with her being in a natural setting
aww i have excellent photo skills ^^ *blushes*
These pics are so great ! i would love to do outdoor pics but not so beautiful where i live and too much people would looks at me strangely ^^
Jamess last blog post..Haruka Suzumiya 1/8 (Good Smile)
Char Rhousemann is the one that i missed…Hope to find her one day to complete my collection.
I try to imagine what people passing by thought of you when you were casting off a girl in the snow ^^
Blowfishs last blog post..Bikini Idol Iori
[…] already Owned of the Shuraki figure set Akatsuki and Meifeng, so it was obvious i needed to get Needa as well. Plus the price really helped push me […]