It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Another figure from DirtyBeast, once again Mai here only cost me $20. Seriously such an awesome deal far too hard to pass up! I’ve seen many people who own Mai but have never seen her in stores, she’s pretty rare, rare enough that Kid Nemo would be selling her for $200 and the Wonfes version (which i would assume is more rare) for $100. So when i saw Mai for $20 i had to get her!
I know nothing of what she’s from, but i do love her outfit, very revealing.
Yet something about her face looks all too simalr to a friend of mine from high school.
Except my friend from high school was a dfc all the way.
It’s official Mai is the figure i own with the largest rack compared to any other figure i own.
She really does have a cute face but has such large ears.
The way her hair is shaded is a bit weird, with the ring around her pony tail and seems off but from the side it looks fine but from up it looks weird.
It’s so hard to pass up a good deal, especially when it’s only $20! People ask me why i buy second hand figures, someone could have done something gross to them or just miss treat them. I honestly do worry about things such as Hot Glueing, but i do mostly come across people who treat their figures really well. Plus for $20 even if she was Hot Glued I’ll get her and just clean her a whole ton beforehand. If this Classifieds keeps up I’m going to be poor soon and be surrounded by pretty pretty figures. She really is also so big, i have mostly 1/8 figures and having random 1/6 figures looks a bit weird so i have to put all my 1/6 figures together so they don’t look giant compared of to my 1/8th scale. I prefer 1/8 to most since 1/6 is just huge but when it’s an amazing figure i’ll get it.
-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Max Factory
1/6 Scale
Initial release in August ’07
Price of 7,800 yen
It’s hard to find Mai here but still possible, try your luck at one of these awesome retailers
HobbyLink Japan
Hobby Search
Kid Nemo Company
Otaku Fuel
Play Asia
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nice figure and shoot 🙂 Oh by the way, the caption above the 6th picture, it probably should be Except, not Accept ^^;/
chuns last blog post..Crafts shopping food and dolls = weekend fun ^^
You Know out of all the figures i had in my collection She was one of my favorites. Almost didn’t put her up on the post but i just no longer have the desire (or more importantly the money) for figure collecting anymore. happy she found a good home with you! and i have to say your pictures are amazing!
oh noes! ok fixed!
well she’ll be sure to be loved tons here with me ^_~
She is from Kof! An awesome review!
Lightosans last blog post..Haruhi Suzumiya Summer ver Figma Preview
I have the Wonfes limited edition of her, in blue. She really is one of the best figures in my collection. I paid a hefty price for her though, still currently the most expensive figure in my collection until her next incarnation comes in March from Alphamax.
Also, you do not know her!? She is most likely the most famous female character in fighting game history, and set the standards for “bouncing boobs” and breast physics in such games.
Panthers last blog post..Forums & Blogs – My Take
I . . . never thought about “hot gluing” . . . DDDX
Well, it’s the only way to get rarer figures, so it’s a risk we’ll have to take!
Sariths last blog post..Macross Frontier Figures.
well i know now since i’ve gotten tons of people amazed i had no idea..
yep i just saw Kid Nemo’s got her, how much did she cost you?
i still i don’t hot gluing a figure, you spend so much money to just to get it seriously dirty? i imagine it must be a pain to get it out of the small part and creases in the figures
she’s from the king of fighter series, one of the heroine, like chun li from street fighter 🙂
getting her for $20 is awesome, i want her for $20 too! 😀
ron~s last blog post..PS3 Home IM@S Haruka Costume GOT!
Amazing figure. Not really a KoF fan, but I wouldn’t mind adding her to my collection.
Zirocs last blog post..DC Universe Online vs Doomsday
Holy crap that is an amazing statue. (new to reading your blog, and it is very cool)
*very jealous*
Big Joshs last blog post..Sweetwater throwin’ down
Congrats on finding this rare gem of a figure!
I am so jealous ‘cuz I’ve been looking for one of these figures for quite awhile (at a decent price, of course). I first saw this figure at, but I must say your photos are just as impressive. Great job!
Well, I guess I’ll just have to looking.
great find for $20 ^^
I’ve been hunting for that version for quite a while now, its getting pretty difficult to find one in the usual store.
I also bought my Mai (the blue version) at around that range, but sadly she was a bootleg 🙁 you can try comparing her to yours, see her here:
at first glance at your post title i was afraid to see something like mine 😀
Getting any awesome figure for $20 is just great!
never even played it, but $20 for Mai was too good to pass up
@Big Josh:
well thanks and hope you keep coming back for more here!
why thank you, she is a bit hard to find as to why i just knew i had to snag her while i had the chance
bootleg figures just suck, they are the worst thing that can happen to a figure collector and has happened to myself more than once, now i know more and have gone a few years without ever getting a bootleg again
Also you do know of the Hjapan sticker on about 99% of Alter, Good Smile Company and Max Factory PVC Static figures? they mostly all have this sticker to proove their authenticity and i’ve never come across a bootleg that has the sticker on it as well. I think the only recent figure i’ve come across that doesn’t come with the sticker and yet is authentic is GSC’s 1/8 Hatsune Miku
What?Again just 20$?
Your latest deals are unbelievable!Im getting a little jealous here…
Shes one of those figures id like to get but probably never will due to its hefty price tag
BTW: You fail in Videogame History class! Prepare for summer make up class
Blowfishs last blog post..The Japanese Garden
yeah, I’ve seen the sticker, but I didn’t know about stickers at the time. From now on, pre-orders from reputable sellers is the way to go for me. ^^
i do fail in video game class, i couldn’t even beta pacman world‘
same here
I’ve always imagined most figure collectors are really careful with their figures since they’re somewhat expensive and do everything they can to keep them clean.
super ratss last blog post..Kousaka Tamaki Mosaic
@super rats:
see i think that way too so pre-loved figures don’t bug me at all
I don’t mind 2nd hand figures either. Although I have to admit I’m not a fan of Mai in this MF figure. I think the only “figure” I like her in is her Pinky Street version. Why? Just looking at her butt makes me think of uncomfortable wedgies. Dunno why but it drives me nuts.
Lovelyduckies last blog post..Two Figures I Never Thought I’d Own…
What does dfc mean? And you must check those dannychoo classifieds 10 times a day to get first dibs on those sales. nice find.
yeah i would never be able to wear that outfit comfortably
@Figure Maniac:
Delicious Flat Chest
i would buy her too at that price ^^
great buy and pics ! 🙂
Jamess last blog post..Fauna 1/8 (Max Factory)
too hard to pass up such an amazing deal
Argh, that is such a great deal. I’ve been looking for this figure, and one of the stores near me has her… for $150. Gah. I’m going to cross my fingers and hope I can get her for under $100 at a con this year.
Enjoy yours!