It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
From the moment Valkyrie Gwendolyn was announced I just knew that deep down i had to own her. I don’t buy as many Alter figures as i tend to get Max Factory/Good Smile Company figures. While i do love their figures just as much it seems that when they do random characters that i don’t know i tend to splurge for more gsc/mf figures.
They have been focusing on some amazing Nanoha figures yet i wasn’t such a big fan to get them that my Alter section of my collection seems to be quite small.
While i haven’t played Odin Sphere and doubt i will, while Gwendolyn is just so gorgeous it was far too difficult to pass up.
She has the cutest and sweetest face
I think the thing that suckered me in was her big beautiful wings.
The mixture of blue with her white hair just looks so fantastic
Her overall character design really called out to me
very nice backside
I love how her wings come from her hips and not her back like everyone’s wings.
Love her top, sadly tube tops don’t always work like that for me and tend to fall down easily.
The feathers on her wings just looks so amazing, the only way to top it was have real wings.
The wings on her knees look so great as well.
Love her skirt as well, such a beautiful design.
I love how her wings are integrated in lots of parts of her entire outfit.
Gwendolyn is a figure that such a dramatic figure that really just catches your eye the moment you see her. She is a bit on the tall side but 1/8 she is. Her base, while not pictured, is really well designed and seems to hold her up quite well. She is also very very light compared to how heavy i expected her to be. She’s quite sturdy yet i don’t want to rule out leaning in the future since even the best made figures can still lean in the end. But as always if she starts to lean you’ll be the first to know here since i’m not one to keep quite about leaning figures. Gwendolyn is such a beauty she makes me want to try my hand at her game yet i know there would be no way for me to even figure it out since sadly on the video game side my otakuness is seriously lacking. Plus the fact that i have neither a TV nor PS2 i would have to play it at a friend’s house and that is just too much work for me… Unless someone else has played it and can honestly give me good reasons to start playing it.
-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Alter
1/8 Scale
Initial release in December ’08
Price of 7,800 yen
Gwendolyn is still in stock at many of retailers, check these guys out to get your hands on your own Gwendolyn! You won’t regret it for sure!
HobbyLink Japan
Hobby Search
Kid Nemo Company
Otaku Fuel
Play Asia
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That is a really nice figure, I really like the wings and the lance
Otaku Dans last blog post..Hot Preorders
Gwen is also my first figure with wings, and I do have the game and was told it was a good 2D RPG, but I just never found the will to play a damned 2D RPG. This figure though really is amazing.
Panthers last blog post..Asu no Yoichi 09 – The Festival of Wrong Delights
I can’t wait for her to come, KN “sent” it a while ago but the tracking still says they were notified on 3/6 for shipment >.<
I have and love her too. The only thing I dislike is her undies. Since she has such a graceful and refined presence I wish it didn’t look like she was wearing a cheap thong (ok not quite a thong but close).
lovelyduckies last blog post..Mikuru and Arcueid in Red
I agree with the LovelyDuckie on the undies.
super ratss last blog post..Sakura Going Home
I’ve been wanting to get Gwendolyn for the longest time. She just looks amazing, and Odin Sphere has also been on my list of games to get.
When I first saw her, she looked like the age she was supposed to be, which is around 14 or 15, at least that’s what I think. In these pictures, she looks like a young adult or somewhere around 18. Despite this difference, these pictures rekindled my love for this figurine.
Really nice shoot!!!!!!
Do like!!!!!!
Really nice photos too!!!!!!!
Rins last blog post..Resident Evil 5 Get!!!!!!
Great picture. This figure is beautiful ^^
Leonias last blog post..Iriya no Sora ~ Official Illustrations ~
Gorgeous figure and photos! Love the design, too. Makes me wanna play Odin Sphere just for the character ^^
Kanons last blog post..A random gift
Yeah, as soon as this figure was announced I knew I’d have it. It’s just amazing.
Mine just arrived a couple days ago from KidNemo, along with my Gift Saber (and god damn, about time on that one).
Curse you and your blog! I did not even know about this figure and now I’m a $100.00 poorer!
If youre in Love with her wings be sure to check out E2046s Gathering Gwendolyn.Those wings are amazing.
Alters face is cuter tough
Blowfishs last blog post..Speaker Girl Kanaru
I had mixed feeling with her. Happy because I still managed to get her even though I didn’t pre-order her (New to figure collecting). Sad because as gorgeous as she is, she is not as famous as other nice figures. I certainly hope that your blog would get more people to know and like her.
Great job on the photo!
enriuss last blog post..Congratulation to myself on JLPT 4!
@Otaku Dan:
the wings were what made me get her in the first place really
see i don’t even have the time to play an rpg… 🙁
@Pure Trance (Figured):
you’ll love her for sure
couldn’t agree with you more
@super rats:
she really did deserve something a bit more refined and elegant
well sometimes younger characters look much older, hell even Yoko is supposed to be 14
thank you
thank you , she is just so stunning
same here but i’m terrible at RPGs
two very stunning figures
sorry, but you’ll love her for sure
i do like that version’s wings but i don’t like her face at all
too many people still only buy figures of characters they know and love and not just of beautiful pieces of art.
Gwendo is awesome 🙂
For me the best figure of 2008 by far , Alter made a masterpiece ! The only figure better quality wise is the Yuki Nagato gothic by Griffon <<< personal opinion only ^^
Glad you bought her and that you love her that much 🙂
And pretty pics , like always 🙂
Jamess last blog post..Vocaloid 2 Kagamine Rin & Len 1/6 (Volks) review
Having played Odin Sphere, I can say that it’s a wonderful Action RPG with gorgeous artwork that’s a real treat for the eyes during gameplay.
Plus the game has the option to switch the English dub voices to the original Japanese voices, which I think more localized videogames should include.