It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Over a year ago i debated getting this lovely Tsuruya-san figure. I had the rest of the Max Factory Haruhi set, but didn’t feel like i needed Tsuruya-san as well. Plus the fact that at that time i was jobless and broke. I regretted it soon after not getting her since she sold out rather quickly and there wasn’t a re-release announced for a while so I gave up on ever having Tsuruya-san to be with her friends. But lucky me HLJ had a sale and had Tsuruya-san on the list as well!
A Shorter post since Tsuruya-san isn’t that big and amazing and i was feeling very lazy as well. She’s not a POW kind of figrue that just screams at you, but she does add a certain something to the other Haruhi girls. A certain sense of completion that makes it just seem so much better.
She has a cute Nekomimi addition with tail and different hand. But i like her in her Human ver. instead since none of the other girls are animal-like.
Love her long green hair, that’s what stands out to me the most so since they did such an amazing job on her hair. It makes her all the more better!
Finally owning Tsuruya-san makes me want to go out complete the sets of other figures I do own. Such as char from the Shuraki set, Erruru to go with Aruruu, ChuChua Astram from ChuxChu Idol and more. Do you like completing sets? I love the feeling of completion i get when i see them all together! Now i need the Mikuru Culture Festival to double complete the set!
-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Good Smile Company
1/8 Scale
Initial release in Januray ’08
Price of 5,800 yen
While Tsuruya-san isn’t on sale any longer on HLj you can find her at many of these retailers!
HobbyLink Japan
Hobby Search
Kid Nemo Company
Otaku Fuel
Play Asia
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Her hair has really tempted me. So far I am holding out, but I can see the day coming where I have to pick her up ^_^;;
Darktek13s last blog post..Ben&Jerry’s_ImagineWhirledPeace7
The re-release will be on May but not being a really fan of her. I save my money for future K-on! figures^^.
ceasols last blog post..Uesugi Kenshin
LOL, I grabbed her off the HLJ sale as well, I just got mines today. Really lovely figure as she appeared in the Mikuru movie and cultural festival cosplay cafe. Great loot.
Twus last blog post..SOS-dan – New Arrivals
This Tsuruya version is really great. Max Factory made a great job with her (but I prefer the expensive freeing version…).
Nice shooting, thanks for this reviews!
Leonias last blog post..Avril 2009
Once again, nice figure and review! Love the background again ^^ Tsuruya’s hair is so gorgeous, too
Kanons last blog post..New Art Progress
Reason I got her too was the hair. They really did a good job. Then the thighs would be next.
yeah i kept putting of purchasing her but the sale helped me make the leap
oh so she’s getting another release? well on the fact of K-on figures, don’t expect them for some time. It takes very long for companies to announce and make figures from new shows and since K-On is still pretty new i wouldn’t expect it anytime soon
she does look so awesome in how she looks just like she did in that scene in the anime
i like the freeing sets but the size and price made me decide not to get them, plus i’m not that huge a fan of Haruhi to get that many figures of this series
her hair is the best part imo
her thighs and zettai ryouki are awesome as well!
I feel the same about MF Tsuruya, this figure has a certain flow about her that really makes the rest of the girls look all the better. Tsuruya isn’t my favorite Haruhi girl, but of the MF set this is my favorite Haruhi figure. I almost missed out on this Tsuruya too. It took a while to hunt one down and I had a lot of let downs and disappointments along the way but I got her!
lovelyduckies last blog post..My Kitties – Ami and Rini
But Tsuruya was the best one! I am happy to see you finally got one though…
Derangeds last blog post..Tears to Tiara 01 – Did I Hear Wincest?
If i had to pick a Haruhi girl it would be definately Tsuruya-san^^
Blowfishs last blog post..Sales!Sales!Sales!
I always make the effort to complete any set but it really depends how much I’m willing to fork out. I was so proud of myself to complete the entire Max Factory Haruhi set when I acquired Mikuru Culture Festival.
It’s a feeling I still remember today.
Optics last blog post..Feena dakimakura Complete
I do like Tsuruya but I never cared for that maid uniform. If she were in her school uniform the figure would’ve been a MUST BUY for me. But for now I’m content with Max Factory’s Haruhi, Mikuru and Yuki.
As for figure sets, I rarely ever bother getting all of the figures. I’ve only got Rize and Liu for Shuraki, Sanji/Zoro/Ace for One Piece, Melona/Nanaelle/Tomoe for Queen’s Blade, etc.
G.K. Sil Kaminas last blog post..Weekly Ramblings
Hi, good post. I have been wondering about this topic,so thanks for writing. I’ll certainly be coming back to your site.
So I wasn’t able to find her anywhere, it seems she vanished off the face of the earth in the last week or two :E anyone mind helping me out? Maybe I just suck at searching, but I couldn’t find her in stock anywhere. :<