It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Went to San Francisco two weekends ago. I’ve never been to Nor-Cal and was super excited for this trip to San Francisco! Been a So-cal girl my entire life and have visited most places in So-Cal but haven’t but more north than Yosemite. It was a short trip from Friday morning and come home Sunday Afternoon.
It was a short trip by plane, a little shorter than an hour. We could have driven but it was too much hassle and with gas prices so high and sitting in the car for 8+ hours it would have been terrible.
The Bay bridge is just gorgeous, but they are building a new bridge apparently. A bit sad since i thought that bridge was just so pretty but then since I’m not a local I won’t meddle.
This is the hotel we stayed at, the Best Western Carriage Inn. It was so beautiful yet for some reason i didn’t take not even one photo inside… I should have since it was just so fancy and so nice. One of the nicest hotels i’ve even been in.
The Buildings are just astounding, lots of pictures in this post of buildings. I have no idea about the majoirty of them but just thought they looked great!
The main reason for this trip was to go to The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. We decided to walk so i got tons of pictures that day.
The Entrance of this one beautiful park.
One thing i find weird compared to So-Cal is that people actually hang out in parks. No one hangs out in parks in So-Cal like they do in Nor-Cal. But then we don’t have that many parks that are as nice as these.
Some Japanese Cherry Blossom trees, very nice sight.
This was my first time seeing theses trees in person since we don’t have them in So-Cal either (at least no where that i’ve seen)
More awesome buildings…
Inside the SFMOMA, I actually hated it. This was the only thing in the entire museum I liked. The rest was honestly crap or just random. like this one display of “art” was a dirty urinal. Someone actually took a Male Urinal and put it on a slab and called that peice of crap art!
Inside the SFMOMA, I was just much more eager to get out and see more of SF than stay inside this money sucker. I will say i did like the Photographer section, some of the stuff there was good.
The next morning on our way to see the Golden Gate Brigde, you can see the fog rolling out of the city.
I love the apartments here, they looks so awesome!
I’d love to live here, the people were so nice but then the architecture was breathtaking!
Don’t tell me this isn’t a wonderful sight!
Driving to the Bridge
seeing the wonderful Brigde in out sights.
Lots of pictures of this bridge, it was one of the sights i was looking forward to seeing the most!
Isn’t it just so pretty!
Me and my mom!
I love this Bridge!
Me Mocking the cool Sailor Man.
The fog starting to roll in, on the drive back into the city the bridge was covered in fog, looked so coll but the top on our convertible was down so i wasn’t able to take pictures. Oh and yes we rented a convertible, helped in taking pictures around the city!
Driving down Lombard Street.
City hall, very beautiful!
Me and President Lincoln. Hope he brings me what i want for presidents day! I wished for a Dolfie Yoko!
No idea, just thought it was nice, care to inform me of what this is?
Got to also hang out with my best buddies Deftoned of Tea Shop Beloved, he and his friends showed me the city! First thing we went to was the JapanTown Cherry blossom Fesitval. Where I got me some aweosme goodies; a Gurren Lagann Movie Fanbook, The Melancholy of Haurhi Suzumiya Novel, an Aria Artbook and another Gurren Lagann book.
In Front of the part where they shot the opening to Full House. A bit before my time, but very cool nonetheless!
The one place i wanted to go that my homophobic parents would never want to see. The Castro District! After seeing Milk i really wanted to see this! Thanks so much Deftoned for taking me to see this, if you didn’t come pick me up i would have missed it for sure!
The Rainbow Flag waving proudly! Lucky me it was a nice windy day!
Harvey Milk’s Camera Shop. Now don’t get me wrong, I get plenty of people thinking I’m a lesbian as it is that i collect female anime figures. I’m not, I just support Gay Rights and beleive this all to be an imortant part of American and Civil rights History.
The View from the bottom of Coit Tower!
The fog rolling in over the bay!
In Front of Coit Tower, thanks to Deftoned’s friend for taking this picture! Came out Great!
Me and Deftoned! Pretty awesome hanging out with people I know from online! most of my friends are from online and it’s cool finally getting to meet them after talking to them through the wonder of the internet!
View of the Bay Bridge from Coit Tower!
China Town, got the most amazing Meat buns from here! After that it got late and Deftoned dropped me back at the hotel. I have to thank him for making thsi trip worth it! The trip was almost ruined with my family’s constant fighting
Me and my brother hanging of the Trolly car! We kept saying the Rice-o-roni Trolly! since my dad never knew which we were referring to when we said we wanted to ride it.
This is my C*ck goes where pic. It was supposed to be a” Oh Noes the trolly is Moving!” shot but it turned into something much more inapropriate.
Some apartments i saw on the ride on the trolley!
I saw the black sign on the side of this building. Lets just say i read it wrong and i giggled like crazy!
Such amazing scenery of the people and the tall buildings!
I really did love San Francisco, i’ll be sure to go back and see much more! This time with friends since it seems impossible to travel with my family without us constantly fighting abuot one thing or another. Plus with Southwest airlines planning to offer flights from Long Beach to San Francisco for $80 or so i’m pretty sure it’ll be possible to go and visit again! I know i said it again but Thanks so much to Deftoned for taking me around and showing me the wonderful sights! Come down to so-Cal and i’ll show you all the sights here! Promise!
Sounds like more fun than Cleveland
Baka-Raptors last blog post..Ayatsuri Sakon: Over/Under at 7½
I want to go there someday too. 😀
I love those awesome buildings.
Epic buildings are epic~!
Kairu Ishimarus last blog post..I Endorse Nyoro~n Churuya-san and Haruhi-chan no Yuutsu
Frisco is a very pretty city. I went there like ten years ago with my parents. They met there while they were both living in the Castro district.
super ratss last blog post..Mahjong No Go
That pic after of Abe at City Hall and before Japantown is of the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. They have the ballet there as well. It’s A LOT bigger on the inside than it looks (watched the Nutcracker there back in December). From that view, to the left of it (other side of Grove Street) is the SF Symphony.
That day was a lot of fun! There’s a ton you didn’t get to see in the City, down the peninsula, along the coast, and around the bay… so if you ever want to check it out just let me know! 😀
I went there once… when my brother was stationed for before he was in Irag and later Cambodia for the Marines, nice place, great photos as always.
Ah such beautiful pictures <333 I’ve only been to California once but we didn’t stay for too lone. It looks like you had loads of fun!
Mitokos last blog post..Fruits Basket Viridian Review
When I visited San Fran with work the Golden Gate bridge was all cloudy, it was windy, and even though it was summer it was freezing cold. LOL I’m seriously not a fan of San Fran, but people have told me I should give San Diego a chance. I thought I’d love modern art museums, but when I went to the Tate I hated it all (well almost everything). I guess I prefer the classic style of museums a bit more.
lovelyduckies last blog post..My Kitties – Ami and Rini
You took a lot of nice pictures! My favorite would have to be the one of the American flag over the trees.
I kind of know how you feel about collecting female figurines: my sister thought that I was lesbo for female figures for a while, but I’m not, and I’m glad she knows that.
After looking at these pictures, I want to see Milk now (I’ve been wanting to for a while.)!
Crazy awesome looking city. I’ve never been to California…and honestly don’t have much motivation to go. But maybe I’ll go see San Francisco someday. I do love me some bridges.
G.K. Sil Kaminas last blog post..Weekly Ramblings
I usually go to San Francisco during Fanime con weekend. It’s a bit of an adventure driving out there in the morning and seeing the sun rise peak above the hills. I leave the LA area early to avoid traffic. Go to San Francisco the day before the convention. Have some of famous clam chowder there. Enjoy the con the day after. Plus get first dibs on exhibit hall stuff before the dealers go to Anime Expo. I go with friends from my Anime Club of course.
I forgot to mention they have a Little Tokyo area in San Francisco too. Forgot where it was though.
Oh come on, that dirty urinal by Marcel Duchamp is *hilarious*. It was a total slap in the face to everyone in the art community, and it established intentional fallacy which every english major has to bash their head against at some point. Art doesn’t have to be aesthetically pleasing. xP
wow, great pictures. Good you had nice weather in your trip. I liked the pics when you were in the Golden gate. 😛
phossils last blog post..About
wow now i want to go to Cleveland! /sarcasm
@Kairu Ishimaru:
it’s really worth the trip!
@super rats:
it is super pretty!
oh i knew that! i remember telling my mom you want there for the ballet!
It makes me want to visit more of the US, i haven’t been many places and it seems they are making it cheaper to fly so i should be able to visit more places!
you should come back and visit, California is totally awesome!
San Diego is ok, but i liked SF much more. and i myself prefer classic art museums much better
Milk is an awesome movie, i loved it. I also recommend watching “The Times Of Harvey Milk” It’s on hulu and it’s a good movie to see before Milk so you get an idea of the actual history of Harvey Milk
@G.K. Sil Kamina:
California is totally awesome!
@Figure Maniac Edwin:
I’ve been contemplating going to SF for Fanime, maybe next year since money is a bit tight already for AX
And yes Japantown, we went there for the Cherry Blossom Festival
It’s ridiculous and a travesty that something like that would even have a place in a museum
we had some amazing weather, they told us that we picked a good weekend since they said the weekend before was cold and windy
Wow nice photos! The sky looks so pretty–not a cloud in sight! What a perfect day to go on a trip. I want to move to California now ^^
Kanons last blog post..Gundam Calendar Characters & Loot/Desktop!
Very nice shots of the city. I know a few people in the area, but have never been able to visit.
I LOLed at the “**** goes WHERE?” shot. It was perfectly set.
And you’re looking sexy, as always.
it’s normally like that in So-Cal but i’m not sure of Nor-Cal
well thank you, i thought it was a funny shot as well
When I was in London I spent two days going through the National Gallery, I really loved it. So amazing to come so close to such historical and gorgeous paintings. The story behind each one is usually good too, I love that they have those electronic guides so I can go through at my own pace.
lovelyduckies last blog post..My Kitties – Ami and Rini
@Dancing Queen
Whoa! Really?? I’ve never been to California so I wouldn’t know. That’s awesome
Kanons last blog post..Gundam Calendar Characters & Loot/Desktop!
I want to go…
Too bad I’m saving up for Japan currently…and can’t go…
Really nice pictures!!!!!
The view looks amazing!!!!! Just wow!!!!!!
you look absolutely beautiful *puppy eyes*
Nice pictures!
Its nice to meet up with fellow bloggers!
Its kinda sad that most people im buddies with online are from totally different countries.
Maybe ill just drive to France one day and raid James Shop^^
Blowfishs last blog post..1/5 Movic Yoko – Boobielicious!
Really nice shots! I always love to look at your shots. Even my 80+ year old visiting grandma, thought the pictures were good!
animemizs last blog post..Okay plans plans and more plans..
seems that you got a lot of fun ^^
thx for sharing
ps: i miss those times when you bringed a figma with you in your trip
*me remember lulu’s mexico trip*
loukis last blog post..News #72
now that’s a museum i’d like to go see, that and the lourve
i love it here, the weather is rarely bad
well thanks, i want to go to japan. If the one house we have on sale sells i might be able to afford to go to Wonfes next year
hehe thankies ^^
it’s totally cool to not only meet fellow bloggers but people you know from online. Most of my friends are online so it’s cool to get a chance to finaly meet up and hang out
well tell her thank you for me!
i was considering it but it was such a short trip i didn’t bother this time around… i might do it for my next trip to disneyland!