It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Finally a Shirley figure! For such a popular series i’d expect Code Geass to have more figures of their characters. Still i’m glad the figures that have come out by Alpha x Omega are awesome and how they just keep producing these amazing figures. What is awesome is how they were able to replicate the enlongated character designs that clamp does yet still give them a realistic look that is appealing to the eyes in the 3D ver.
The jacket is cute but somehow seems a bit bulky.
So much better when we can see some back and more of her Sukumizu.
The apron is also removable but still quite cute.
Very nice cleavage, i don’t have that many figures with such nice cleavage, in fact Shirley’s rivals Yoko!
Nicu Bodi!
The tray with the drink is cute but it topples over all the time.
Very nice tush! Love her thight highs, very cute color and the ruffles are a nice touch.
Overall a very nice and well detailed figure. Very nice curves and the outfit has the wrinkles in all the right spots and hugs her body just like a normal swimsuit would. She’s got the best of both worlds Meido and Sukumizu! What’s not to love? While there is so much to love i love her eyes the most, that peircing green is just awesome. I like this figure very much but in all honesty if i didn’t like Geass or had never seen it i would not have bothered to get her. Which is why i’m glad i did like the show since then i would have missed out on a beauty.
-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Alpha x Omega
1/8 Scale
Initial release in February ’09
Price of 5,800 yen
You can still find Shirley at any one of these fine retailers!
HobbyLink Japan
Hobby Search
Kid Nemo Company
Otaku Fuel
Play Asia
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Does your background collection rival your figure collection? Because they’re very nice.
idk about that but i try and change the backdrop per figure and not re-use them often
I agree; seeing as Code Geass is such a popular series, I’d imagine there would be a lot of figures of many other characters, especially the males. I’d really love it if MegaHouse would make a Suzaku as part of their G.E.M. line to compliment their Zero figure. Other males Code Geass characters would be nice too.
But anyway, this Shirley looks amazing. After getting my hands on AlphaOmega’s Villetta Nu, I’ve been thinking of getting Shirley and Kallen as well~ So we’ll see.
Also, nice review and lovely pictures as always! 🙂
Harus last blog post..Sengoku Basara episode 7
Well thank you, i thought the strawberry’s suited her personality to i went with it. I do also hope they make a Suzaku to go with the new Zero figure. I can’t wait till i get my hands on him! I’m so glad Megahouse is doing this new G.E.M. series, we need more male figures!
Not a bad looking figure at all
Sukumizu and Maid at the same time. Can’t go wrong with that~
nyorons last blog post..‘Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete’ English Trailer
nothing wrong with that at all!
Beautiful photos and she is a very nice Shirley figure. I would have wanted a figure of her in her school uniform but this figure is growing on me and I would certainly try to add her to my collection soon.
ELTboys last blog post..Figures Haul #05
yeah the school uniform would have been pretty good as well
“For such a popular series i’d expect Code Geass to have more figures of their characters.”
Couldn’t agree more. I’d love a PVC of Euphie and a more conservatively dressed figure of Viletta. She does look sexy in that figure but I want one of her in her militiary uniform or in her lovely summer dress when she was more meek.
lovelyduckies last blog post..Cynical Orange Review (Manhwa)
couldn’t agree more a Euphemia figure and a toned don Viletta
You have make another very beautiful presentation. The figure is very well realized, it’s a good work of Alpha X Omega. But, I don’t like clothes which she wears. The alliance of maid and swimsuit ^^ ”
Leonias last blog post..Nendoroid : Délires photographiques n°1
it’s better without the jacket if you ask me…
I prefer too with the jacket ^_^
Leonias last blog post..Nendoroid : Délires photographiques n°1
but then without the apron it’s a bit plain for me
The eyes are a bit on the big side, but other then that, wow, very nice, looks great ^_^
Michael Fluxs last blog post..Random Photo: Reflection Coefficient
er eyes or her boobs, this isn’t DC we use Breasts for the terms Breasts!
Kallen went up in price like 10 bucks! I want Viletta but shes the pricey one.
she did but i was able to get both shirley and kallen for a good price
my favorite character next to cc! everyone else blows imo.
i myself liked Suzaku…
omg why did you do that ?
didn’t buy her because i felt she was not that great , but after seing your pics (and being a Shirley fan) , now i really want her 🙁
Someday i’ll buy her :'(
Thanks for the review and for making me buy something i didn’t want :'(
Jamess last blog post..Louise Gothic Punk Version 1/8 (Alter) review
lol well sometimes it happens, it’s happened to me plenty of time, i decide “Nah i don’t need her” and then regret it big time later on
great figure review ^^
i love this shirley figure. that jacket looks awkward…but without it and with the apron she’s a beatuy. i really like the backdrop you used! great pics
Joeys last blog post..Fasalina by Max Factory
that’s why i love how you can remove the jacket and the apron, but i do however like the apron
Ah, you didn’t get Kallen…
I don’t have Shirley yet as it’s due to my current budget.
I plan to get her soon though…
Really nice figure shoot though!!!!!!
Now I think of it, Shirley does match Yoko in oppai size!!!
Rins last blog post..Hiyori Pixie
but i do have kallen, just haven’t done her review just yet!
Soo sweet figure! Great Review!!
Lightosans last blog post..Little Busters Kamikita Komari and Natsume Rin Action Figures
school girl, swimsuit, and maid. that figure is too sexy, even for me
Otaku Dans last blog post..Affiliates Rock
lol idk about too sexy but hey you can remove stuff!
This is nice! Too bad in the story she had to die. >.<“
don’t spoil it for everyone!
I was teetering on the edge of buying this for a while, and I ultimately decided not to — she looks somewhat awkward from certain angles. Still, great pose and outfit. I may spring for her yet if I see a good price at a con.
The apron’s a great touch — adds a little extra tease and complements the thigh-highs (which are what really make the figure, if you ask me). Gives the illusion of concealing, but it’s too small to actually do so. Sexy!
i like the apron, and the thigh highs are cute as well!
Slightly off topic, but am I the only one having issues with Kid Nemo lately? Appears to me their service level has dropped a great deal in the past few months.Orders not being delivered, poor communication. I have stopped ordering from them until they get things cleaned up, unfortunately have several 100 dollars in pre-orders pending.
they have been acting up lately, yet i’ve had a few orders from them come through and they were quick about responding as well
Hmm, not sure what is going on with them, but will probably use other places till they stabilize. Thanks for the reply.
Sorry about the car! Hope your ok.