It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
I’m not the kind to do a loot post, but this Anime Expo was a Gurren Lagann Fangirl’s dream come true! I got so much stuff it doesn’t all fit into one picture! As you can see by the Gurren Dan Flag it’s signed, by Gurren Lagann director Imaishi Hiroyuki and Gurren Lagann Character Designer Nishigori Atsushi! This is now my pride and joy and my new goal is that when they bring anyone related to Gurren Lagann to have them sign this Flag for me!
Tons of Keychains, seems i want to break the ignition on my car again >_< I’ll just make sure to pull the Keys when driving so the weight doesn’t break my car again. Also a Yoko Skull change purse, and two and you can see two skull pins, one is a pin, the other is a hair clip. Oh course i had to get both! Also the Yoko Patch, gonna have to make an awesome Yoko jacket to put that on!
Got the Glass set! Couldn’t pass those up! Also the Core Drill neckace which will never leave my neck! Also a cute Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee Mug.
I only got figures that were on my list of wished list. Saw Char at the Toylet booth and couldn’t pass her up! I bought Char on the last day and really wonder why no other self respecting figure collector didn’t snatch her up before me? Also got the very sexy Chu Chu Astram from Toylet as well. Got my hands on the Ouka-Chan Nendoroid at a booth that was selling her for cheap since her box was a bit banged up, but she wasn’t damaged so i couldn’t pass up that deal. The terrible Sailor Moon dolls are only for the nostalgic factor, I used to own those exact dolls when I was younger but lost them some time ago, I was able to get all three for a good price as well! Also Max Factory’s Hinata Himawari who i got from Anime King for $20 and Alter’s Hitotsubashi Yurie that i’ve been looking for, forgot where i got her but she was good price at $40.
Some badass Gurren Lagann towels which really came in handy when we ran out of clean towels in our hotel!
Only Detroit Metal City Merchandise i could find! A Krauser No-ren curtain (no ideea where i’ll hang it) and some awesome keychain plushies!
Got a Gurren Lagann shirt and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to own Simon’s Jacket! I’m gonna be wearing this jacket everywhere! Thanks to my big brother for getting me the most badass jacket the world has seen! Also some art from the artist alley. I almost never buy anything from the artist alley but really something about the eyes on Yoko and Nia just called to me and I had to get them!
This poster was actually a gift from my friend Evan, I told him how a big Gurren Lagann fan I was and he had his poster with him from last year, this was a giveaway poster they had at the bandai booth that I missed out on last year. Gonna laminate this and find a place to put it since my walls are all full now :'(
And my prized purchase this year at Anime Expo again came from the Toylet booth. The amazing Yoko Towel, no way can i use her and get her all dirty! So instead she’s hung up in my bathroom! See i’m so otaku even my bathroom is being filled with amazing Otaku Goodies! Now to convince my parents to let me hang up posters in the rest of the house!
omg I hate you. haha
idk what i did to deserve such hate? oh wait, maybe it’s all the badass gurren lagann stuff i now own! ^_^
yes you basta… I mean lovely girl, not just GL but that Krauser curtain as well. /jealous
i wanted the krauser revoltech but i didn’t see him. my friends said they saw it at the crunchyroll booth but it was the last day and they had already closed up 🙁
how much did you spend! and i’m so pissed i didn’t get to see you, erg.
i’d say a little over $600+
Nice loot^^ What’re the poster-y looking things on the right side of the first pic (the three things with Yoko, Kamina, and Nia)?
That Yoko and that Nia are gorgeous on the fanart!
Can’t wait to see a review of Char ^.^
oh they are paper protectors! i almost forgot about those
do you have any closer shots of these 3, I’ve never seen these before an the look great!
yeah i’ll take some later and post it here in the comments
You got such great loot <3 <3 I especially adore big Yoko towel you got <3
Also, what were the things in the two boxes on the left in your figure boxes picture? You didn’t mention those. 😀
Rapunzels last blog post..Rin Makes a New Friend [?]
oh yeah! Max Factory’s Hinata Himawari and Alter’s Hitotsubashi Yurie
Nice towel you got there. How much did you get it for ?
Sakus last blog post..Anime Expo 2009 Day 0 – Arriving in LA
$60 i beleive
Nice loot. I personally only got a few artbooks, because figures were cheap and I was being a tad frugal. I warned my two friends and younger sibling not to go into the Manga Gamer tent and then they came out raging “Why didn’t you warn us?!” Pfft. Shoulda listened to the guy who had some visual novel/H-game experience… It’s not for the casual anime fan.
Some of the outfits were orgasmic though. Master Snake (Old Snake wearing a Master Chief outfit) and the giant Atlus/NIS America Prinny. Though, I was severely limited in my purchases (Totaling 170ish dollars) because of the presence of friends and sibling as well as the fact that my dad can view my debit card transactions. >.>
yeah this was the first time i didn’t have someone with me who wanted me to buy them stuff *cough* my ex *cough cough* last year i had to buy him crap since he had no money but this year i spent it all on me! well that and i got a present for my friend’s brother since he helped out tons
Shat. Edit to top comment, “because figures were expensive”… Not as expensive as those ridiculous imported games though. Can’t even play them without a modded console anyway, why dish out 70-80 dollars for them ?_?.
i did find some booths that had figures for cheaper, i can’t remember what booth it was but they sold figures that had damaged boxes for way under their retail value
Are you looking for someone to marry? (jk)
Seriously I would sell my soul (or at least part of it) for that loot especialy the flag with de autographs. So jealous ;_;
yeah but i’d get a pre-nup! don’t want anyone taking my Gurren Lagann merch away! hehe
WOW – nice loot and especially the signed flag. I loved Gurren Lagann and hope to get more stuff from the series as well.
Good luck in getting your parents to let you decorate the house – LOL. My son tried that with Pokemon stuff – nada happening!
bluedrakons last blog post..Life Size Computer Mods
well my mom does have a sephiroth wall scroll in her room, but then she likes sephiroth
It’s because of Sephiroth’s die-hard mother complex, amirite?
nah, it’s his long hair
I could only dream of getting that much stuff at a con. Before going to Anime Boston, I spent 5 months compiling at list of DVDs/figures/etc. that I would hunt down at the con. I couldn’t find half of the stuff that I had written down! The #1 item on my list was the KAITO Nendoroid, which, unfortunately, they didn’t carry. The only Nendos they really had were the Death Note ones, the Yoko one, and the Itoshiki Nozomu one (which was over $50. I wanted it, but I didn’t have enough money for it). But still, I’m happy with the things I got. There’s always the Internet, too.
“…this Anime Expo was a Gurren Lagann Fangirl’s dream come true!”
I know, right! They should have renamed this GurrenCon with all of the guests they had. Your loot pile is impressive, too.I would love to have that Kamina keychain.
i tried the list deal last time, i didn’t get much. what i do is keep an open mind but have the list in the back of my head, so if i spot the item i want tog et it, or if i spot something nice for cheap to get it as well
You should do loot posts more often! I love looking at loot posts the best! I used to have those Sailor Moon dolls too, long lost of course. But I’m pretty sure I could still find my Moon Wand and Silver Crystal Locket again if I was at my mom’s house. If the convention out here had guests even half as awesome as yours I definitely would have gone. I would treasure something signed by the director and the character designer of TTGL forever.
i don’t do them often since it’s rare that i get tons of merchandise at one time, it’s usually spaced out within the month
At last, u finally got Char. Congratz.
I realised she has been on ur wishlist for a very long time.
Really like the Nia fanart.
Optics last blog post..Mikuru all Grown up
i’m glad i got her and didn’t have to pay too much for her either
whooooooly crap that flag is sooooo kick ass! and signed by some of the staff! totally awesome. now you have to hunt down all the seiyuu and get them to sign too ^_^
really awesome you were able to pick up char! i’m also surprised no one else picked her up. and surprised it was in stock at any store to bring to the con ^^;
meronpans last blog post..向坂環 ‐挑発‐ Kousaka Tamaki -Seduction-
i agree with Char, I got her on the last day and totally expected someone to get her before me
[…] amazing keychains, i got all the keychains that I posted earlier from this […]
Utterly badass. Just sayin’.
thanks, i love all my badass loot
Awesome loot!!
I’ve wanted that Gurren Lagann flag since I first laid eyes on it, but have never had the money to actually buy it. And yours is signed!! I’m super-jealous.
i’ve been wanting it too! which is why i got it in the first place, found it for $20 and had to snag it up!
“I bought Char on the last day and really wonder why no other self respecting figure collector didn’t snatch her up before me?”
Maybe because they were selling her for $150? Now I’m curious how much you paid for it, because I was seriously tempted all weekend, but I just couldn’t convince myself at that price. If they slashed the price on the last day, I will be angry at myself for missing it. But not too angry, because I at least it wound up in good hands.
lets just say i got the owner to drop her down a little bit more for little ole me :p
Great haul! Thought I’d broke the bank when I dropped 500+, but you got me beat. So jealous! When did you stop by the Crunchyroll/Organic booth? That was the last booth I was at and they were open until they closed the hall. The folks working Organic were so nice, they even gave me some freebies that day (it didn’t hurt that I’d dropped 100+ earler in the weekend…).
Great site, first post!
i didn’t stop by their booth at all! i heard later they had some awesome stuff too!
I feel happy for you, really great loot! 😀
thanks, i always save up tons just for AX