It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Those know who me personally know I have a 6th sense when it comes to Anime shops, I always have my eye open for one and just my luck while walking around in London I spotted one! It’s been a while since I’ve done a Figure Retailer Review, so I thought I’d bring you a treat with this shop I spotted! Also don’t forget to leave a comment for the upcoming Giveaway!
A Giant wall of just plushies! I know tons of girls who would be drooling over this wall!
Some awesome hats as well, I somehow missed out on that awesome Kero-chan hat!
Anime bags too!
Tons of shirts, cosplays too!
Very nice selection of manga!
Sadly my walls are out of space so i couldn’t pick up any one of these awesome wall scrolls, also no space in my suitcase.
Some awesome and recent figures! Also really good prices too considering that with the cost of shipping to Europe from Japan!
So many awesome figures but sadly again the lack of luggage space meant no new figures for me.
Lots of Pocky! Lots of phone charms!
Lots of Cosplay accessories!
Key Chains!
Loved this phone case!
Some of your favorite girls! I of course did get the Yoko mouse pad!
The plushie selection was just astounding! I’ve never seen so many plushies!
Really awesome characters to choose from! So many Card Captor Sakura ones! I got all but one! Also snatched up a Sailor Moon Plush as well!
Love the Luna hat!
Tokyo Toyz was an awesome store to walk into. I’ve walked into so many anime stores in the US and haven’t come across one like that that seems to truly understand their fans and what is popular at the moment. I’ve seen many stores that only sell what they can get a high profit on, or what is the latest fad like Naruto or Bleach. It’s a very awesome store to check out and they have an online shop too!!
Edit: I guess many people have realized some things in these images that i might have missed, Bootlegs. I’m sorry guys, I always just look at the figures first and if they are legit then I’m happy, but i really didn’t notice so many other bootleg items! Including the Yoko Oopai mousepad I purchased myself >_< FOr myself I’d say they might be nice to check out for figures, but you should, as I should as well try to never support bootleggers and purchased bootlegged items. Sorry guys 🙁
–Store Info–
Located – 13 Coventry Street London W1D 7DH
View Larger Map
–Special Deal for How a Girl Figures Readers—
Get 5% off on your entire purchase when you give the promotional code HOWAGIRLFIGURES
Was such a pleasent suprise to catch such an amazing shop in London, sadly didn’t stumble upon any stores in Paris but I’ll do my best from now on to keep an eye out for more shops in my local area or even when I’m traveling! Have you been to this store before? What were your thoughts on the shop?
Do you have an anime store in Southern California and want your store to be featured on How A Girl Figures Retailer Reviews? Know of a store in the So-cal that deserves a review? Contact me at Dancingqueen [at]
Also don’t forget the upcoming giveaway! Make sure to leave a comment! It’ll give you an advantage over everyone else when the giveaway starts! ^_~
Awesome store sadly London is far away T_T
Oh they are far away for me too, but at they have the online shop.
Le gasp! Is that a fanart of Haruhi I see on that mousepad? I don’t know if that constituted for a bootleg, though^^;
It might! I didn’t realize, now that I think of it shouldn’t they come in boxes?oh well I’d have to say the quality was still good.
Leaving the comment for the giveaway advantage like I was told to do~~ 😀
Great review, it’s good that this store knows what’s popular and stocks a lot of stuff, I just wish it wasn’t riddled with bootlegs @.@;;;
Yeah at least the figures weren’t bootleged.
That is a very organized Toys n figures store.
the banner of the 1st photo has a girl who really looked like the Japanese actress Ayase Haruka O.O
and a lot of figures, plushies, keychain/rings/phone charms and ahem.. oppai mousepad thar hahaha.. ^^;;
but not enough Gunplas, I’ve seen couple in the picture though, but not too many hehe….
That’s true, not many gunpla in the store.
at least I still see some accessories that’s Gundam related there, like the Celestial being symbol keychain, Gundam Markers Set, and several 00 Gundam series and some of latest Gunpla releases.
yes, lots of Gundam accessories! almost got a necklace from 00
For a london store its pretty updated with all the news figure :), they had alter sakura DX
Were there other stores in London? I only saw this one store while there, but then we distance spend much time in London.
Oh, my. Now that is a great looking shop. Too bad I did not read this before I spent a week in London last year. I think if I did find that store, I would have just bought a new suitcase to get all of the stuff home.
I wonder now how long this shop has been around, anyone know?
It looks a bit like Kotobukiya’s store in Akihabara, just with way more plushies.
Wish we had more anime stores like that in the states. Mostly, American stores seem to have a lot of American Comic Book character/American movie stuff with some anime stuff added as an afterthought. Also, it’s almost always Naruoto, One Piece, or Bleach stuff. =_=
I can’t wait till I get to see the shops in akihabara!
Wow looks of cool stuff there!^^ I would have been so giddy and fangirly in that store.
Oh I was so fangirling over the plushie wall!
That’s cool you got the 5% off promo thing going on. I think if I walked into a store like that I’d walk out broke, especially at the plushie wall if my son was with lol.
If i had more space in my luggage i would have left with many more plushies than i did!
Wow,now I must to go to London *__*
Those plushies,awwwww *_____*
hahaha, just to go to this store? heck yeah!
Of course ù_ù
Well,I think I’d like to go on the London Eye too XD
there are so many sites to see in london! It’s simply an amazing city!
Wish I was there.
it was such a huge blast!
OMG, A Miku Mouse pad. Would have bought at that instant.
It was a really cute mousepad, but you know me… I HAD to get the Yoko pad!
Wow. They’ve grown!
They used to be housed within The Trocadero. And they were fairly small. I know recently they moved, but never got a chance to check them out. They’ve certainly grown fairly large. Maybe they merged with Orbital Manga? They were another Manga type store that I thought went bust.
How much was the Yoko btw ;o
Wait I think they are still in The Trocadero?
i… uhh… don’t know? hehe i am still kidna lost when it comes to where places are in London >_<
you know i couldn’t tell you the price, i just picked it up and paid for her, i didn’t care how much, i needed it
Wow… the stores here are nothing compared to that. Or maybe you have somehow glorified it…? That plushie wall is to die for though!! Did they have the Vocaloid plushies there? ;_;
ME? Glorify it? NEVER! Muwhahahahahahahahahahahaha
Looks like a great store! I’ve never been to London but if I ever go, I’m checking that place out!
London is so beautiful and such a place to visit!
I wish I had come across this shop when I was in London two years ago. But considering I was there for quite a short time, I can be glad I was able to drop at Forbidden Planet.
ohh what’s forbidden planet?
I can’t see from this far, but it looks like you’ve mentioned the figures are legit, so that’s great! Don’t have any shops like this around where I live ;-; I would love to snatch up some of those plushies!
they looked good to me, figures are the first thing i check authenticity for
Woah! So many nice things if I came across this store I wouldn’t wake out empty handed. At the very least I would get an oppai mouse pad.
I’m so glad that i was able to walk away with stuff from thsi store too, loving my Yoko oppai mouse pad!
Came here after seeing your post at, I still don’t have an account there… ah, I’m new at collecting figures, I like your site, I’m learning about it here too!
well hope you come back again, trying to keep the site updated more and more!
I wish we had stores like that around here… I want that FREEing Kagami!
oh i really wanted that figure! So Badly
Forbidden Planet is a similar kind of shop that isn’t limited to anime/manga related goods. They cater to general cult/nerdy/movie etc type stuff. Their anime figure section has gone smaller but they do have a huge Manga section, and of course comic book section. They have multiple establishments around the UK. Well worth popping in if you’re ever around the area.
Ill keep that place in mind next time I make the trip overseas.
I’ve always considered the figures in TT to be a bit overpriced, only after I started buying loads though XD, some of my first major figure purchases were made there after my 18th birthday, bought 3 in my london trip, Konomi Yuzuhara, Sumomo from Nanatsuiro Drops annnd… one other I can’t quite remember… I wasn’t aware enough of prices so I thought everything was awesomely priced, though back in January 2008 I spose the prices would have been a fair amount lower….
There used to be Orbital Manga, but they have since closed I think… wasn’t Orbital Manga last time I went back *sniff* They had a nice selection, but not as wide as TT. My Fate oppai mousepad was gotten here, though before they moved again, they’ve been in 3 different stores that I can remember… all Trocedero, but still confusing all the moving XD
Ooo my Tsubasa Sakura feather pendant was gotten here too. And my friend got some shuriken or something I think… might have been elsewhere…
And if you want mountains of plushies, you should come to the London Expo, tables & tables of plushies XD, its daunting… and oh-so tempting… only anime plushie I’ve ever bought is Tohru Honda though. From the TT London Expo stall I think XD, she was the last one…
Oh, tell a lie, I have Botan too, but thats like… well seems different to me, not a human chara plush XD
(Wow… I typed a bit much… x.x)
When is London expo? Might be a good excuse to go back to visit London!
London Expo is normally on during May and October every year.
hmmm, maybe next year
29th + 30th of May for the first one of the year… no date for the October one 🙂 It is a bit close now though, to come from a diff country.
I just miss the ‘hentai’ stall… it was there one expo and gone the next… they were selling ToHeart2 Another Days and I didn’t buy it *sob*… I was buying many figure though….
there are a few of those stalls at AX every year, but i always end up missing it
This is definitely one of the better shops I’ve seen. o_O;;
I’ve also seen my fair share of terrible shops. It’s nice to find the diamond in the rough.
Their is no anime store left in Houston anymore. I kinda miss animagic even with their outrageous prices. But great write up looks like a fantastic place to visit.
At least you still have online shopping!
I don’t know, I like walking in and browsing, the atmosphere that kind of thing. I’m probably like a teenage girl when it comes to shopping and my hobbies. >.>
true, nothing like that instant gratification of being able to buy an item and have it immediately
Wow, nice store. There a couple anime shops near me, but they never have anything good/new in stock. And the prices are really high.
That’s usually the case with most anime shops, which is why I like to highlight the shops that have new awesome items for sale!
Whoa!! I like those Oppai Mouse pads!!!
i do too but i’m realizing they aren’t legit 🙁
No fair! I wanna gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! XD
((Psst! Its Artemis, not Luna))
oh dang! now i’m a failure! hmmm should convince my boyfriend to let me re-name our black cat to luna
Nice stuff! I have never wanted a plushie as much as I want that Rei. Hopefully, I can find one at GenCon.
It’s sad, I have a cell phone that can hold a charm, and yet I have none anymore, ever since my Psyduck one broke back in 2007.
i wish my iphone came with something for charms, it would be filled with charms!
Ouch, yet another store with bootlegged stuff all over (I’ve seen those exact mouse-pads at a place near me that I KNOW for sure aren’t legit, along with some of those plush and other things I see in the pictures ). Dx But even with stores like that, it’s nice to have the general atmosphere since you really don’t get that very often. At least, as you say, the figures were legit. ^^;
Just be wary of that mouse-pad you got. Those fake ones tend to leak real quick. My ex-boyfriend had problems with one he got a while back.
i’m sad now, gonna have to find me a legit one to replace my yoko mouse pad 🙁
Sorry to give you the bad news. oTL
nah no worries, it’s best to know. just wish i knew before i bought the items
I was already wondering about why some of the Items looked a bit weird but well that last paragraph of yours revealed why.
Its a shame they have such things in stock but yet they have an overall impressive stock
yeah i’m sad to only realize this after the fact 🙁
Love the Konata phone case. And I wouldn’t mind getting some of those mouse pad, Especially the Miku one. Too bad bout’ the bootleg (-__-‘). But still, you sure cannot replicate the experience of browsing through the merchandise yerself while buying stuff online, I reckon ^^.
true, but the worse part is now they’ve ruined their credibility for online shopping by selling bootleg items in the shop…
Definitely a diamond in the rough as you said 😀 And you got CCS & Sailor Moon plushies, jealous of you! <3
i do love my plushies!
yeah, a lot of the mousepads are bootlegs )=
Still, I would love to go to that store just for the atmosphere!
i really wonder why i didn’t realize it then, i even know they should come in boxes and not in bags!
Wow a store that updated all the way in london, im inpressed.
Looks nice ^^ looks of variety.
they did have a pretty nice location and it was a treat to find a shop during my trip
i really want to go there!!!
just gotta make the trip all the way to london!
mmmm I really REALLY would love a konata plush. I see one in the picture but I doubt it’s legit.
it’s sad they have to ruin their image in such a way by selling bootlegged items, if not they’d be such an awesome store!
This shop has a lot of stuff! There’s only one anime store close to my home and it’s not that big. I would want to buy keychains here. But goodness, if I had your kind of sixth sense, I’d be a happy camper!
it is fun to find stores in places you don’t think they’ll exist!
OMG is that a plushie of Rei Ayanami
that’s what i was saying while i was in the shop! I WANT I WANT I WANT!
Looks like a really fun place to shop. Too bad about the bootlegs, though.
I really do hate that they have bootlegs 🙁
My soul is not complete since I don’t own that Totoro hat!
hahaha i know the feeling
Wow, that’s a nice-sized shop! Boo to bootlegs, tho. >:(
This makes me think I should’ve done a review of the shop I dragged my family to when we were in Hawai’i. XD But I haven’t updated my WordPress in ages anyway. Which reminds me, thanks for the info on WordPress. ^^
And yeah, limited luggage space is no bueno. I’d brought an extra carry-on bag and it was pretty much completely filled by one(!) figure box, lol. But it was 1/5 so I should’ve seen it coming…. ^^;;
oh what figure was it? a freeing perhaps?
LOL, I think a FREEing bunny girl would’ve required checking. ^^;;
Actually, she was the, uh, let’s just say Dynamite Project #002: Surprisingly, not too many questions for the folks on her, but I was buying her for a friend. Or something. XD
orz I’ve been too freaked out to comment on here apart from now orz
and why would you want to go to london, it’s so boring ;_;
apart from the shops durrhurrhurr
oh but london was so far from boring, we had such an awesome time!
I guess I’m just used to it sobsob
and everyone is so stereotypical and whuuuut badger hats orz
i do understand, for me La is very lackluster and not that awesome but get family members who are just dying to see LA and see movie stars
LA looks all sparkly LOL
I guess we all like a change hurr
Trendy, Alpha, and J-Style stores inside the Mitsuwa Marketplaces (Torrance and Costa Mesa)definitely all sell legit merchandise. There’s also a specialty store at the West L.A. Mitsuwa but I can’t remember the name lol. A bit pricey but I love the selection. You can find plushies, keychains, hats, mousepads, cosplay stuff, figures, wall scrolls, etc.
oh those aren’t too far away from my brother! I’ll have to check them out!
WHOA. Awesome stuff! London is officially added to my list of awesome cities via japanese merchandise! Great pics! Glad to see you had a good time over there! 🙂
it really is an awesome place to see!
Haha, I’ll be in London later this month, I wonder if I’ll see this place!
o_0 since when have Tokyo Toyz expanded this much?
I remember going to their first ever shop somewhere in London where there was hardly anything apart from the mainstream Naruto and One Piece…
man I wish they had a store like this in the USA. Guess I will have to wait for my first comicon this fall and see what they have
hey guyz!!! can u give me please the link 4 th online shop and the adress 4 tht store?? thank you ! (OwO)