It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Ok back to the more crazy looking One Piece characters! If you ask me even though he looks crazy, he’s so ugly it’s hard for me to like him compared to Mr. 2, but then Mr. 2 was just so awesome it was hard not to love his figure design! Not many One Piece figures left but i’ve still got plenty more for review coming up! Also just got word that HLJ is sending over more prizes for Giveaways! It’s coming soon so keep commenting and let others know too!
Ok so to my little understanding and with the help of the internet this character is named Usopp, but when he has this mask and cap he’s Sogeking.
Not sure which is uglier without the mask or with the mask!
Look at that nose! Look at those lips! I’m not even sure he has a face his own mother would love!
Looks like he got pretty hurt too, in the images I saw online he wasn’t covered in bandages. But either he got really hurt or he just wanted to see if the Mummy look was in.
I will give this figure credit that it is really awesomely detailed. The bandages look really good as does his shading. He has a seem line on his pants but it can be passes off as the seem line in his actual pants.
Not my favorite oh the silly designed figures, maybe it’s the huge lips, maybe it’s the long nose, maybe it’s the overuse of bandages maybe he’s just not my type of figure. The other thing is with most of the figures i was able to guess what kind of character they were, but with this guy, I’m kinda stumped. But the mask is really silly looking and I wonder that when he’s his “alter ego” do people still recognize him? The Giveaway is just a day or two away! Make sure to leave your comment here to be able to participate in the upcoming giveaway!
-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Megahouse
1/8 Scale
Initial release in July ’08
Price of 4,800 Yen
Big Bad Toy Store
HobbyLink Japan
Hobby Search
Otaku Fuel
Play Asia
Usopp strikes as a very unreliable characters in early stories, and fairly annoyances with his whimsical and comical attitude. But as the story progress he too grown mature and stronger, thus Sogeking! and he really represents the mean of a Shounen genre.
and Ahem… Usopp mother died from illness since he’s a kid >:(
and based from the images of the bounty posters out there
Usopp’s for only 16,000,000 berry BUT Sogeking has like errr 30,000,000 berry!
as far for the figure, I have to say it represent Usopp at his the very best way possible, what I tried to say is that this is a very very ‘COOL’ Usopp (which he can be at sometimes and later) and I think that is a very good thing ^^b.
Strange but I find that I liked over this figurine than Sanji though hehe.
he is a better figure compared to sanji and now that i know some back story i think i’m liking him so much more
Hoho… looks like this figurine has the most comment compared to the other figurines that was reviewed hahaha 🙂
yep lots of people who love him and hate him
You can’t really measure up what kind of character Usopp is by looking at him. He grows on you over time through watching/reading through the series.
Sogeking/Usopp was my first real figure from Japan, he is still one of my favorites in my collection. I love this guy!
you guys are really making me change my mind and i’m liking him more now that i find out that he’s a good guy
I was never really a fan of Usopp, that being said they did give him more prominent roles in the series that people seemed to like. This would be a pass for me though.
Unless I had money to collect the whole set >.>
if i were a fan of the series it would be such a pain in the butt to have to collect them all!
Well, Usopp’s one of those characters you either love or hate. He’s the cowardly character who has a few good moments and he’s a good weapons creator (made Nami’s staff). He also gets hurt a lot so that explains bandages. The Mask is a alter ego called Sogeking!
the getting hurt seemed obvious to me since they tend to only have characters that get hurt in bandages, when you get a bad ass character they tend to not need many bandages
This figure is certainly detailed. I like the accessories that accompany Usopp, it just seems to ‘up’ the overall value/reason why this figure should be on our consideration. Love the various photos.
his accessories are really detailed, i did love his bag
Never seen the show, but the figure’s just full of excellent details in his clothing <3 Especially the cape with it's fabric ripples 😀 Also I think it's gotta be Halloween ;D All he's missing is the candy bag.
he does have a bag, maybe it’s filled with candy?
I have this figure at home and I couldn’t agree with you more, it’s a great figure!
As for the Usopp/Sogeking thing.. chances are I probably wouldn’t have gotten the figure If I weren’t a one piece / usopp fan. The others have more or less explained the backstory to this character but the backstory to this figure itself is a whole different matter.
Usopp, though a coward does have his moments. While it is true that he has shown to be more courageous in his Sogeking persona it is not why he created it. See, at a certain point in the series (spoilers here, just a heads up) he has a big blow out with his captain causing him to leave the crew. But they’re his best friends and he misses them a lot. Which is why he invents his Sogeking persona as a means to rejoin his crew without really setteling the arguement.
To answer your question, yes, they all see through his disguise except the crews morons, being the captain and doctor ironically. The scene can be viewed here and will probably give you a good chuckle:
lovely review and pictures
Edit: totally forgot, but yeah, the bandages are in fact battle damage. But it suits the character as usopp gets hurt quite a lot. heehee
that explains tons
Bad boy! 🙁
Following this reply’s spoilers: He didn’t create the persona for that. He created it to help rescue a crewmember, but since he had left them and didn’t ‘want’ to get involved… he ‘sent’ Sogeking to help them out. In a way it was to cast away his embarrassment and stubbornness to make himself useful, and later on to remove his cowardice and think more objectively. The rejoining has nothing to do with the Sogeking persona.
well it’s still an interesting way to bring out his other persona
thanks for that, really explains a lot with this character, i’m really starting to like him tons more
This character’s design is pretty wild! His nose reminds me of Pinocchio. 😀
The mask is pretty hilarious.
yeah! i see a long nose and i thought he was a liar! Damn Pinocchio and making me have silly thoughts when i see other characters with long noses!
I’m sorry! I build a wall of text! And I enjoyed it!
Ussop AKA Sogeking is my favourite One Piece character. He’s one of the two main characters who can be called normal humans, the other being Nami. He’s the guy who strives his best to keep up with the rest of the crew (Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, etc) while his strength remains not too far from average. It’s extremely hard to sum this character in few words since you’ll like him for the little things, more and more.
He’s a coward to the core but he can pull some backbone when the need arises. The crews weakling whose only real physical trait is the ability to take a beating, together with willpower that can rival Luffy he will get up no matter how worn out, even if his nose is broken into one hundred pieces (lol) he will keep standing, because he has to! To become a brave warrior of the sea!
Also, he’s an outrageous liar who can bring some refreshing comedic relief no matter how tense things look without breaking the pace. Along with Luffy they’re a big part of One Piece humor. Do you remember Mr.2 Bon Kurei’s nose? That’s Ussop’s nose. And the only ones who can’t tell Sogeking is Ussop are Luffy and Chopper, one would think the nose gives it away.
A Sogeking cool scene: Standing in one of two giants shoulder as they mow through hundreds of marines by his command.
The fact that most people who have been following One Piece for years find Sogeking ‘cool’ is rock solid proof of how strong his character is… or how nuts the fans are. xD
wow see this is why i need to watch this series!
“Not sure which is uglier without the mask or with the mask” – LOL that’s exactly what I thought XD
but I really like the quality of those One Piece figures, they will be really nice to display all together on a shelf hehe~
I found your site a year ago I think and I’m a regular here since then (and I really like your reviews!^^), but this is my first comment I think. OTZ
btw, will you do an update with photos of your room as it is now someday soon? I really liked your previows posts, you have a perfect otaku room <3
i plan on doing a room post again sometime soon, for now i did submit my room pictures for Otacool 3
Used to watch One piece. Not sure when Usopp go this whole new makeover, but now he definitely looks way cooler 😛
maybe it’s a more recent thing?
I dont really like the character designs on one piece but this figure is amazingly well done the bandages and mask in particular really blow me away
he is really well detailed!
Just look at that mask XDD
it’s so silly!
Yep….. I already got Sogeking as a figure of my own. But did you ever see this video of Sogeking’s Theme? ^_^
If you get your hands on POP Boa Hancock or POP Chopper 2nd Strong World Version… or POP Robin Strong Word Version.. and decided to do a contest.. or POP Brooks Strong World Version… ^_^
i’ll keep you in mind then!
LOL… and if you get the chance.. take a look at Kappei Yamaguichi live singing.. at Otakon last year.
Looks good, nice review!
yay comment!
Psst, Frances! It’s Elena~
One Piece has a serious number of figures that are extremely well made, even the smaller ones. I don’t have Usopp’s yet but it’s on my wishlist. I still need quite a few of the POP releases, as I’ve been opting for the smaller and cheaper ones.
Usopp actually had another figure during the first release of the POPs, where he was paired up with the team mascot (of sorts) Chopper. Story progress since then, however, warranted he get his own figure. The Sogeking/Usopp figure doesn’t stop with the awesome quality I’ve come to expect from the POP line.
If you want any others in the set, lemme know. You can come over and take pictures! Even the tiny gashapon sets if you want. One Piece has been the series I collect most for, and I keep them all in very good condition.
hey! i know you! I was told you have a pretty awesome collection, we’ll have to get together and you’ll have to let me take pictures of your figures ^^
Despite my preference in the manga for Sanji, I have to admit Usopp makes for a much more exciting figure. I personally like the bandages quite a lot, they look really good.
I’ve never thought about One Piece figures previously, but I’m quite impressed by Megahouse’s figures from this (and the past couple reviews). Especially since I never see a lot of HQ figures for shonen series.
Anyways, great pictures as always! Thanks for the review.
that is something that i’m loving of these figures, good quality scaled male figures from a shonen series, that’s really rare for most figure companies when the majority of figures are sexy women in tight clothes
A lot of what other people said. He’s a character you can’t really appreciate unless you fallow the story. But out of the POP’s he’s probably my favorite so far, but his new Strong World Ver. figure will probably change that.
omg i just took a look at the strong edition and he’s so ridiculous! i think i need it
Hey, gotta admit he has a pretty cool theme song.
the theme song is really awesome
Haha, aww he’s not ugly. He just takes the most getting used to character design wise 😉 I’m biased though because I love all the crew members. Glad to hear you’re liking him more now that people are explaining his character. He’s a goofball, but always manages to come through for his crew. He’s the sharpshooter of the group, but he also invents weapons, is an artist (he drew the crew’s flag since Luffy’s attempt resulted in this: and he performed maintenance on the ship until they got a shipwright. Plus, he’s excellent comic relief and he has his own theme song! Lu lu la la luuuu~
Oops, link:
oh there we go, that is hilarious!
i really adored that theme song!
looks like a nice figure to me
yep yep
Usopp’s the kind of guy you have to experience in order to really appreciate…since he’s not very easy on the eyes. I feel bad for him since he STILL seems to be the most unpopular Straw Hat pirate despite being one of the first to join the team.
I still love you, Usopp! *sings Sogeking theme*
I think i’m really gonna have to watch this show since i really judged him wrong!
random comment FTW!
hahaha well if you want to get the edge up for the giveaway this is what we need!
I don’t know how he’s able to walk with all those bandages! He looks to be in critical condition. Or the mummy thing. That works, too.
maybe he’s secretly a mummy
With what I watched of the anime I didn’t rally like Usopp. I also agree that he is ugly.
a face only a mother would love
This is really a GREAT figure, for all the other characters they re-released the same figures with just a few improvements (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, and Robin). So if those figures seem a bit plain in comparison to the rest that’s partially why. BUT with Usopp they completely re-did his figure into what you see now! I think the details on this figure are GREAT! I love Usopp! He is weak and more cowardly than the others in battle, but I absolutely love him for it. He balances out his lack of strength with excellent sniping and weapon creation skills.
“Usopp’s the kind of guy you have to experience in order to really appreciate…since he’s not very easy on the eyes. ”
This. When I first laid eyes on Usopp I’m pretty sure I cringed. But he has an undisputed place in my heart now.
which is exactly why i need to see this show
It really moves me to see some many Usopp fans showing true respect for a great character. Minus the jokes and lies Usopp represents the average man of the group in my opinion an the reason why most people don’t like him is the simple fact that deep inside they would run, scream, and hide to if they encountered a Enel or Arlong. I really like the Ap setting you put on this photo in my opion it adds depth to the figure, not only that but it (spoiler alert) serves as a reminder to my favorite part in the anime/manga when Usopp stood up for his beliefs and even fought against Luffy. If that’s not courage I don’t know what is.