It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Again Kotobukiya has me astounded in the amazing quality work they are producing as of late. This figure is again, another one that I passed up on and now regret. She’s sexy, in a great pose, I LOVE the character! Good thing she belongs to the boyfriend, i get to see her as much as i want when I go visit!
Love the test plugsuit, it’s so sexy, recently saw the Bluray of the movie, saw it in the theaters but the bluray was just amazing, Love Asuka in this plugsuit!
Fun perk? put a black light on her and parts of the suit glow!
You can see how thin Asuka is, you can see her ribs!
oh I see crack! How is it with figures it’s sexy but on real people it’s never sexy…
While their design has always been quite thin, it doesn’t always translate well to figures and I felt that they did an awesome job of keeping her small frame yet making her feel voluptuous .
Her face is also so cute and this figure reminds me so much of Gift 1/5 Yoko in the style of on her knees putting her hair up.
This figure honestly went completely under my radar, I didn’t even know she existed till my boyfriend brought her to the studio where we film AX Live. He had purchased her before we even met and when he asked me about her I didn’t know what figure he was talking about. Once I saw her in person I was just blown away by Kotobukiya’s work. As mentioned they are surprising me with this jump in Quality. It used to be quite difficult for me to recommend someone buy a Kotobukiya figure, but they have me eating my words, which is quite rare!
-Figure Info-
Manufactured by Kotobukiya
1/8 Scale
Initial release in September ’10
Price of 6,800 Yen
Get you own Asuka at any one of these awesome retailers! All Bootleg free! Unlike those on my Black List
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Yeah it also reminded me of the gorgeous GIFT Yoko! Nice fig!
it was my first thought when I saw her and when I was editing the pictures i just kept looking up at my Yoko and seeing how similar they were!
I really love the pics you take um if it is not a bother do you mind telling how you take them so good? About your Photography OR what you do to make them stand out?
man, i could go on and on about how i take my pictures, but it’s just a lot of trial and error, using some of these awesome tutorials and tricks i learned in my Photography class
Its good to see Kotobukiya lifting their game. I’ve never bought a Kotobukiya figure before because the paint apps always look a bit off, especially the skin tones. I’m going to order this Asuka, will be my first Koto.
yeah, they are really hit and miss with their older stuff but lately that are making some amazing figures~
I loooooove how sexy her body looks in this figure, and her pose pulling back her hair is AWESOME! I watched Evangelion 2.22 last week and immediately thought of this figure when I saw Asuka prepping herself. My only criticism on this figure is that I would have preferred a slightly different looking facial expression. I definitely would still want the expression to be serene but…just a little different, it’s hard to describe. In the end I opted for Asuka Alter and it’s likely I’ll get her upcoming Max Factory release as well. Sigh…there are just far too many beautiful Asuka figures to own…don’t even get me started on the Aizu Project one that I’d love to have…
This figure is gorgeous! I’m new to collecting figures, in fact I only really started to collect the more expensive figures a few days ago (I have many of the trading figures), and I’ve spent nearly $300 in those few days on pre-orders and in-stock orders. However, I made a promise to myself that I would only buy for characters I know a lot about and love the series so I wouldn’t go to nuts. Looking at this figure though, really makes me want to break that promise!
I honestly don’t care for the face on this Asuka, but the rest of her looks good. Those Eva girls are so thin!