It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
This past weekend a friend of mine Daniel @ddh4mster on twitter got his first Dollfie Dream, the lovely Beatrice! Can you see his happiness of opening his first girl?
Carefully opening her out of her package.
Getting her dressed was easy for me since I’m a girl and know the general mechanics of female clothing but Daniel had a little trouble. He’ll get the hang of it eventually!
Her face is just so lovely, really no pictures do her justice, she’s just a sight to see in person.
My brother’s new Dollfie Suika, she’s custom MDD with the DDH-04 head. I made the outfit but it still needs some tweeks before I’m fully happy with it.
Yoko with one of the many necklaces I’m selling on Etsy.
Yoko gives Beato some bunny ears!
Beato is having her evil laugh… Ooohhohoooohhoooohooooo
Volks Beatrice is just lovely, her dress is fully lined which is nice to help avoid staining, sadly unlike the option uniform you can get for her that is a Doll stainer >_< Expect more pictures with Beatrice for when we get together for fun Doll gathering days! She truly is a lovely Dollfie! Congrats again to Daniel on his new daughter!
AX Live! Every Thursday at 7pm PST! We’ve been doing Giveaways recently so make sure to check out the show to be able to win some awesome prizes!! Plus every week we give away a 4day badge to the convention for 2011!
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OMG Dan’s expression is so priceless! He looks so happy XD
Golden Witch of the Land of Make Believe. OH HO HO HO!
I need to cut out the beginning of the video of you posing with her and i’m so uploading that!
first pic of evil laugh pose … epic !
Beato was my first DD too, I got her late on the 25th and opened her for the first time last night. I took a few initial pictures but this weekend I want to have some better lighting. Also as a first time DD owner I realized unless I want her looking chilly in certain tops I’m going to have to buy her a bra!
Pics of my Beato
I’d post more but you might see them on the forums anyway
i love the grey sweater and the white dress! you make them or buy them and where? they are so sweet!
Well, I’m jealous. I’ve been wanting the Beatrice DD for so long, I’m just weary about dropping so much money on one :/
Beatrice really is lovely but I wasn’t smitten enough to put down the cash to get her. Fantastic dress! Her blue eyes are beautiful as well.