It's been not only a long time since I've posted here, but it has been a long time since I shared photos of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my… [more]
So since I've moved into my new apartment I still hadn't set up my photography studio. Seems work has me busier than I thought I would ever be, however I took some time this past weekend to set up my studio so I could take some photos of my latest purchase, Alter's 1/8th Melty from Shining Hearts. Now… [more]
Pre-ordered this figure the moment she was released for pre-order. I needed for for multiple reasons, she's sexy/half naked, plus while she's not Sora she reminds me of Sora from Yosuga no Sora! But she's Yuki from Maid Yome and she's pretty amazing. The only issue is her adorable mouth really looks… [more]
I recently went on a trip to a magical place, The Container Store. Ok it's not really magical, but I happen to have discovered a love for organizing my home. I tend to prefer Ikea and Daiso but we went to The Container Store on a whim and I discovered this lovely storage container! I've been needing… [more]
Haven’t shown off my updated room, not much has changed other than, of course more figures! There have been so many more figures since the last update. I decided to group all my Black Rock Shooter figures together, I feel they look better together than separated around the room.
I’ve gotten so many more nendoroids they don’t all fit here anymore!
My Dollfie Dream family has grown so much more! I plan to have 5 total, I want to get a DDS body for Yui and Yui’s current MDD body will be for my custom Kinomoto Sakura.
More Nendoroids!
So many more figures that they are practically one on top of another! I hope to be able to move out soon and get more space to display my figures properly!
Very proud to get my hands on Good Smile Company’s Cheerful Japan Gumako, she’s so cute!!
So many pretty girlys!!
Rest of the room hasn’t changed much, pulled Kamina off the bed as my dogs liked to lick him too much and I don’t want to damage him.
Got Saber Motored Cuirassier the other day, she’s just so pretty!! Plus it seem my Nendoroid collection grew just from these photos, where did all those Ika Musume’s come from!?!?
Just the other day I took out all my figures and tried to make more space for more figures, I was able to clear a shelf, only to fill it back up with more figures! This may be the last room post of this room as I hope to move out soon. I plan on getting more display cases for my figures and will hopefully Gatai-da with my boyfriend’s collection and we’ll have so many more figures to display!! Not sure when it’ll happen yet but keep up to date on my facebook as I’ll most likely post there first!!
AX Live! Every Thursday at 7pm PST! We’ve been doing Giveaways recently so make sure to check out the show to be able to win some awesome prizes!! Plus every week we give away a 4day badge to the convention for 2012!
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Wonderful ever-growing collection! My update post won’t be too far behind, just a couple months from the last time I posted last year. =3 Definitely still don’t have a collection like yours though, but I’m getting there! =3
that’s so cool!! having all those figures and man, your collection has sky rocketed. i even realized the more nendo’s you’ve collected sense the last time i saw it!! =)
lol~i’ve owned three pvc figures of Together With Hello Kitty plus waiting for the next one!^ ^ p.s. i’m proud owner now!X)
“Plus every week we give away a 4day badge to the convention for 2012!”
You mean for 2013, right?
Anyways, wow, you’ve got an insanely huge collection that is sadly cramped in your room. I really do look forward to the day that you’re able to move out and give them the space they deserve–those will be some awesome pictures.
I also have to agree that those Cheerful Japan figures and nendoroids are too cute <3
oh yeah, gotta change that now >_<. But yes, they are very cramped and I can't wait till i get my own place and can spread out the collection and display them the way they deserve!
Hehe I have that same Kero-chan sleeping on a pillow plush… makes for a nice big phone stand. xD Can’t wait to see your custom Sakura!! Which outfit are you gonna do (or at least start with)?
One of my friends just got that Tama-nee figure in the 5th pic on the left. That is such an awesome figure~~
Btw, I was the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu who talked to you after your panel at AX. 😀
hooray! your room is an inspiration to all lol
what happened to all of your dakimakura?
Your figures had babies. Who is the father?
Wonderful collections, I love it. I hope to do the same but my room is too small, messy and dusty, can’t afford to display all my figures out there. So instead of figures, I can only see boxes in my room, lol. Anyway nice pictures!
Wow great collection! I wish I had a room like yours. I actually became an otaku recently and so far I only have two figures (so far) . XD Looks like I have a long way to go. I do have a question though. How to you keep your figures so clean and perfect looking because my Strength figma has some black paint marks on her skin from her hood and I wanted to know how I could clean them off and keep her clean. Anyways I love your posts , hope to see more real soon 😉
where is the dakimakura? lol
I spied a DR WHO Tardis :L!!!
Wow! nice room & lotsa cute figures you have…
you got more figures than my local comic store LOL ,i had a nerdgasm
((just started my website no reviews on yet..))
How do you get so many figures? I’m jealous…:P At the moment I only have four figures but I have some being shipped in from AmiAmi! 😀 Can’t wait to see them so I can start writing reviews as well!
What a lovely room! <3 You have a really great collection,I especially love all your nendo group,the K-ON girls looks so cute *^*
[…] of my place. The last time you guys saw where I lived I was still living at home with my parents. It was back in 2012, so easily 4 years ago you saw my collection. Now you can see not only has my collection grown, […]